Sunday, May 30, 2021

10 Candida Symptoms + How to Improve Them

Did you know that you may have an overgrowth of yeast in your body called candida? Knowing the symptoms can help you find a quick diagnosis.

According to Science Based Medicine, nearly 90 percent of the population has this yeast, but it doesn’t always cause problems. It can live on your skin or inside your body. It’s commonly found in places like the gut, mouth, or the gentile area.

In some cases, this yeast can grow out of control and affect major organs, such as your heart, lungs, or brain. According to the Center for Disease Control, this yeast spreads very quickly and is commonplace among hospitals and nursing homes. How do you know if you have this type of yeast in your body, and what can you do about it?

Recognizing Candida Symptoms

Since the yeast can exist without causing problems, you can have it, and not everyone knows it’s present. For others, the candida makes its presence known when it starts to grow and multiply. It can turn into an infection, which is called candidiasis.

Thankfully, it’s treatable with proper medication. When it comes to candida symptoms, they can range significantly. Here are the most observed ones from the medical community.

1. Digestive Issues

When candida is present in the digestive tract, it can cause excessive gas, bloating, constipation, cramps, and nausea. It’s often mistaken for other bowel conditions such as irritable bowel or colitis. It can also have a dramatic impact on your weight.

If it seems that you cannot lose weight no matter what you try, it can be caused by candida in your digestive tract, which is bloating your midsection. It can make you quite uncomfortable when this yeast starts to grow out of control in this area. When candida attaches to the digestive tract wall and begins to grow, it can cause inflammation that leads to a leaky gut, among other things.

In contrast, leaky gut is becoming a hot topic and something that many holistic doctors treat. Harvard Health Publishing states that you shouldn’t be surprised if your doctor doesn’t recognize or identify this as a medical condition. Many doctors don’t classify this as a true ailment that needs to be treated.

2. Chronic Fatigue

One of the most common candida symptoms observed is fatigue. According to an article posted on the National Library of Medicine, it’s believed that when candidiasis takes place that it brings about nutritional deficiencies. The inflammation and infection can affect the body’s serotonin production, a necessary neurotransmitter that controls mood.

It’s believed that this could be one reason for the fatigue, though there is another possibility. When you have an overabundance of yeast in your body, it releases toxic byproducts into your bloodstream. These toxins send your white blood cells into overdrive as they are alerted of a foreign invader.

Anytime your body is fighting off an infection, it’s common for you to feel tired. So it would be best if you recognized that when you have an overgrowth of yeast in your body, your system kicks into overdrive as your immunity is threatened.

3. Skin and Nail Fungal Infections

Candida symptoms of the nail results in discoloration and flaking or peeling of the nail itself. In most cases, this can be treated with an antifungal cream rubbed into the affected area. When the nail starts lifting or becomes detached, it needs to be removed to allow a new, healthy nail to form.

Many of these conditions are observed in the older folks, where blood flow to these areas is not as good as it once was, and it results in the inability to fight off this fungus. Though the condition is not painful, it may be hard to be constricted within the confines of a shoe.

4. Genital Rashes

Anytime you have a rash in the genital area, it can be a cause for alarm. When you see bumps, discharge, lesions, and a red rash, you may be concerned that you have a sexually transmitted disease. Thankfully, not all rashes in this area point to an STD.

Yeast overgrowth in this region can cause irritation, itching, burning, skin discoloration, and pain during intercourse. In severe cases, it’s possible to have swollen lymph nodes and a fever. It’s easy to see why so many might think they have chlamydia or herpes. The good news is that this can be easily treated with topical and oral antibiotic medication.

5. Difficulty Concentrating

Your focus may be impaired by the overgrowth of yeast, though it sounds bizarre that it can reach your brain. When it becomes an infection, it can hitch a ride in your bloodstream and travel to many parts of the body. The part of the brain that controls your concentration is the parietal lobe, which can also be affected.

Do you feel brain fog? It’s one of the most common candida symptoms for those who have too much yeast in their body.

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6. Seasonal Allergies

Did you ever think that a fungal infection might cause allergies in your body? There are still things like hay fever and other conditions that have nothing to do with yeast overgrowth, but there are cases where yeast is the problem.

Since candida loves warm and moist places to thrive, the sinus cavities are an excellent location to harbor it. To get rid of it, you can use a Neti pot to help flush the sinus areas and any growths away, or an antibiotic may help. If you’re prone to sinus problems anyway, you may need to be diligent about using your Neti pot and other sinus rinses to help keep the yeast production down.

7. Carbohydrate Cravings

Did you know that yeast feeds from sugar? Have you ever made homemade bread? You start by mixing warm water, yeast, and sugar before you add the flour. The sugar activates the yeast, and a chemical process occurs that allows the bread to rise.

Now, use the same scenario in your body. Candida is a yeast that needs sugar to grow and thrive, so it causes you to crave sugar as it needs to be fed. When you deny your body any sugar, you don’t give the yeast nutrition to grow, so the infection cannot flourish. If you suspect you have a candida overgrowth, then you should cut out all sugars to stop it from prospering in your system.

8. Mood Swings

As stated above, candida can mess with your levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. According to the Brain MD, both GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) and serotonin levels play a big part in your overall mood. So, when an overproduction of yeast is present, the signals between these transmitters cannot function properly.

If you present with depression and anxiety symptoms, people are quick to say you’re stressed out or have a mental illness. Could it be possible that you’re not mentally ill but have too much yeast causing your symptoms? Is it feasible that many people take antidepressants and other such medications when they need to reduce their sugar intake?

Look at the people who utilize the keto or low carb diet. They state that when they remove both the sugars and the carbs from their diets, they feel the brain fog lift, and their mood stabilizes. It’s often notated that their mental clarity increases.

The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Louisville School of Medicine studied bipolar disorder and those on the keto diet. They found that even though this condition is difficult to treat, it was as effective as taking antipsychotic medication.

9. Skin Issues

When it comes to your skin, candida thrives in warm, humid environments. You will often see it under the breasts, in the fold of the legs, and on the back of the neck. It’s common to see this yeast overgrowth during the summer when the weather is hot and humid or when a person has poor hygiene.

Wearing tight clothing that rubs can be an issue with an inflammatory skin problem, such as dermatitis. Those who have a weakened immune system, such as those with diabetes, are also at a higher risk of developing skin irritations.

10. Thrush

Thrust is a thick white coating that appears on the tongue. It’s common in babies and older folks who have a suppressed immune system, making it easier for the yeast to grow. Thrush can create white patches on the tongue, the roof of the mouth, cheeks, and down into the throat.

The Mayo Clinic states that a baby with thrush can pass it along to the mother’s breast, causing the yeast to spread onto her nipples and surrounding areas.

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Final Thoughts on Identifying Candida Symptoms

One of the best ways to rid a yeast problem in the body is by changing your diet. When you take control of what you consume, you take away the ability for fungus to thrive. Eating sugar and carbohydrate items only feeds this yeast and complicates matters.

Since candida symptoms are far encompassing, it’s essential to treat the area affected. For instance, a fungus on the toenail is treated with antifungal creams, while thrush is treated with a mouthwash such as chlorhexidine and internal antifungal medications.

Candida is present in 9 out of 10 people, but it doesn’t cause a problem until it’s given the environment or nutrition it needs to grow. Anyone at any age can have candida symptoms appear, and it’s typically easy to treat, but the key is to recognize it’s a yeast problem and not another disorder.

The post 10 Candida Symptoms + How to Improve Them appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

10 Habits That Help You Stay Fit After Forty

Learning how to stay fit throughout every decade in life is a key to longevity, without dispute.

How many times have you heard that age is only a number, or perhaps the adage that you’re only as old as you feel? While these are empowering and positive statements, you still need to balance your fitness level with your age.

Whether you’ve always been in good shape or you are a newbie, your body may last longer if you stay fit. It’s never too late to find an exercise regimen that’s tailored to your needs. As you get older, these needs will change.

Let’s face it; you’re probably not as strong and limber in your 40s as you were in your 20s. Your mind may be thinking you’re unchanged, but your body is telling you a different story. Physical fitness is essential throughout your life and must evolve with you.

An article published by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services explores the aspects of living longer. Research suggests that along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, exercising regularly may extend your life. Even as your body changes, muscles weaken, and joints hurt, but exercise can help you stay fit into your golden years, per the article.

Ten Habits To Keep You Fit At Every Age

Everyone is different and has health conditions and various abilities that require exercise modifications. Before you start any new exercise routine, talk to your healthcare provider or a certified fitness instructor. Consider these essential steps to stay fit after forty.

1. Start with Stretches

No matter what time of day you work out, your body needs preparation. According to an article published by the Harvard Medical School, stretching helps your muscles stay limber, strong, and healthy. When you stretch before and after your workout, you have a lower risk of muscle strain and torn tendons.

2. Get Warmed Up

Your muscles need a gradual warm-up before you do any strength training or lifting. After stretching, try a few minutes on a cycling machine or elliptical. These will gently stretch your muscles and get them ready for a good workout.

3. Know Your Limits

Your amazing body instinctively knows what’s best for it, and it will “talk” to you if you listen. Instead of a voice, it will speak to you with a trigger like muscle and joint pain that lasts for more than two days. If you’re doing an exercise that is doing more harm than good, listen to your body and make modifications.

4. Machines are Your Friends

Do you enjoy lifting weights? It’s an efficient way to strengthen your muscles and inner core. However, even the strongest athletes and weightlifters gradually lose muscle tone with aging. Consider using weight machines to get the training you want with fewer risks of injury.

5. Work with a Trainer

There is much value in working with a trainer who is well versed in safety and appropriate exercises for your weight and body type.

6. Set Realistic Expectations

You can’t work out as you did in your 20’s, so don’t push yourself to the point of injury.

7. Stay Hydrated

It’s easier for older folks to become dehydrated, so make sure you’re chugging plenty of water to keep from having issues.

8. Keep a Good Attitude by Staying Positive

It’s not easy to start a new exercise routine, and it may be quite painful at the beginning. However, staying positive will help you keep going.

9. Get Medical Approval

If you have medical conditions, you must talk to your doctor to get approval or recommendations before you begin.

10. Set Small, Obtainable Goals

It would help if you paced yourself. It’s good to have a list so that you can see the goals you’ve reached. Don’t get defeated by what you used to do; instead, set your goals for your current age and health situation.

Here Are Excellent Tips For Working Out, Decade By Decade

Keeping your body strong and healthy doesn’t end once you turn forty. Even if you can’t do everything you could as a teen and in your twenties or thirties, you can stay fit with a tailored workout. Here are some helpful fitness guidelines to consider for each decade.

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• Your 40s

Many people dread reaching their 40th birthday because it’s dubbed as coming “middle age” or going “over the hill.” However, once you hit the big 4-0, you may be surprised at how great you feel. Perhaps there are still things you can do just as well as you could in your 20s and 30s.

In your 4os decade, your life is surrounded by your family and career. It’s usually a time when you are most comfortable in your routine, even when you face unforeseen obstacles. You may be pressed for time, but you can find ways to plan workout routines.

As much as you hate to admit, this is the age that the “little aches and pains” are more noticeable. Your skin starts to lose some of its elasticity, and it’s often more challenging to lose weight. Your physical fitness level in the future may depend on what you establish now.

Are you having more difficulty keeping a regular workout schedule during this hectic time in your life? Even if you can’t have an exercise routine each day, walking can help. Using stairs at work at taking a brisk walk during your breaks can keep your muscles toned, and you can burn calories.

At 40, most people have less muscle elasticity and stiff joints. Yoga is an ideal exercise that combines mindful breathing with gentle stretches and body poses. Use it as a warm-up or an entire routine to strengthen and tone your body.

If you are doing cardio and strength training, you might consider adding cycling or another high-intensity exercise. Adding it to your workout may help keep your muscles stronger and give you more energy. Again, listen to your body and discuss a plan with a certified fitness instructor.

• Your 50s

When you awaken on your 50th birthday, you may be tempted to sulk because you have lived for half a century. Why not consider your 5th decade a blessing and enjoy the years to come? Now more than ever, this is a time when your mental and physical health depends on balanced nutrition and staying fit.

This is an age where many people develop chronic health conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis. While some situations can be hereditary and inevitable, many common ones can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

When you are in your 50s, consider a fitness routine that includes challenging your brain. Your brain needs regular mental exercises to stay healthy and alert. An article published by the Cleveland Clinic suggests that physical activities like cycling and swimming may boost brain cell production and maintain current ones.

This is also an age where children move out and become independent, and you have more free time. Consider taking up a fun sporting hobby like golf or martial arts. These exercises require brain work as well as muscle power.

• Your 60s

During your 60s, you’ll probably take your long-awaited retirement. However, it doesn’t mean you are resigned to a rocking chair. To keep your muscles and joints healthy, you must stay active at a measured pace.

Those minor aches and pains aren’t so little anymore. You also don’t recover after exercise as quickly. Keep an exercise plan that is best for you, and try to do something physical each day.

You may continue healthy weight training, but you should consider switching to weight machines. They are more controlled, and you won’t be as likely to have muscle strains or other injuries. Weight machines are also less stressful for your aging joints.

Staying fit is even more fun when you do it in a group. Try signing up for group classes in yoga, swimming, or other fitness programs. You’ll meet like-minded people who will help you stay committed and inspired.

• Your 70s

Once you’ve reached your 7th decade, you work for the strength to chase after your beloved grandchildren and pets. Don’t let this number intimidate you or keep you from exercising. You may need to modify your activities due to your physical abilities, but you can still reap some health benefits.

A certified fitness instructor can help devise a resistance training plan that’s best for you. It would help if you keep your joints and muscles moving so they are more flexible. Stretching exercises like yoga or Tai chi are ideal for seniors.

• Your Golden 80s and Beyond

According to a vital statistics report published by the Centers for Disease Control, the average lifespan in America is 77.8 years. If you’ve lived into your 80s, you’ve probably known how to follow a healthy lifestyle and how to stay fit.

Yes, your body will have many age-related challenges, but you can still stay active. Since people of advanced age are more susceptible to Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, it’s crucial to keep your mind busy. It’s also essential to stay connected with friends and other like-minded people, so consider group exercise.

Octogenarians may have fragile bones and joints, so you should work closely with your healthcare professionals. Gentle stretching and resistance exercises can help keep you mobile and less stiff. Keep your mind sharp and do puzzles, learn new hobbies, or even take a class in something interesting for you.

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Final Thoughts On How To Stay Fit Throughout Your Life

If you haven’t thought about nutrition and how to stay fit, today is the day. You are never too old to follow an exercise routine that will benefit your body and mind. The benefits may take you from youth, middle age, and well into your senior years. Remember that age is just a number, and you can feel fit and healthy at any decade in your life.

The post 10 Habits That Help You Stay Fit After Forty appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

15 Abundance Affirmations That Help You Get What You Want

When there is something that you want, using abundance affirmation can help you get it. Affirmations are powerful because they are charged with energy and change your mindset. They are positive phrases that can help you regain control of your thoughts and attract the things you want.

Abundance affirmations can help you attract prosperity, financial gain, opportunities, and wealth into your life. If you repeat these abundance phrases each morning, it will help you get started on the right track. You can also use them throughout the day, before important events, or anytime you need some positivity.

As you repeat these abundance affirmations, keep an open mind and say the phrases confidently. Imagine that you feel the things you are saying as you repeat them, and they will be much more effective. You have to believe your words so that your mindset can shift.

Fifteen Abundance Affirmations That Help You Get What You Want

As you become more comfortable repeating abundance affirmations, you can create your own. You can customize them to fit your specific needs and target your goals. Until then, these are the best abundance affirmations to repeat daily.

1. I am successful, and I will continue to climb.

Acknowledging your success isn’t a bad thing because it will help you manifest more success. If you admit that you are already successful, you will only grow in that regard. You don’t have to reach the finish line to reach success, either, because every milestone is an achievement.

Set small goals for yourself so that you find success right away. Then, you can build from there once you see that you are successful at achieving your goals.

Instead of aiming for the final result, aim for small steps along the way. As you continuing reaching these smaller achievements, you will have more confidence to keep going.

2. I know that I will live my dream.

If you are working toward achieving your dreams, you can rest assured that they will come true. Only when you stop working does that change. Even if you don’t see progress right away, remind yourself that everything is falling into place.

This abundance affirmation is most useful when you have been working hard but see no results. During these times, it is easy to think that things will never work out for the best. If that happens to you, use this affirmation each morning and see if it helps.

3. I view success as a necessity.

Money isn’t everything, but it is necessary if you want to live the life you have dreamed of. There is nothing wrong with wanting more in life, so viewing success as a necessity is beneficial.

Success isn’t only related to your career, either. It can apply to your home life, your hobby, or your investments. Whatever it is that you want to reach new goals in, go after them and remind yourself that, to you, it is necessary.

As you repeat this affirmation, think of what you want your life to be like in the future. If it helps, look at your vision board as you say this phrase to remember what you are working toward.

4. I possess everything I need to make money.

Nothing is holding you back from reaching your goals and getting what you want. If you feel like something is standing in your way, it is only yourself and your mindset. Everything that you need is already inside of you, so use this affirmation to use it wisely.

5. I invite wealth into my life.

Sometimes you will miss out because you weren’t open to wealth. If you constantly think that you aren’t worth it or can’t do something, you reject prosperity. Use these affirmations before situations that could involve making more money, and it will boost your confidence and push you forward.

6. I have a life full of abundance.

This affirmation is not only relevant to money and bank accounts. You can use it regarding your work life, home life, and any other part of your life. When you already feel like you have enough, you will attract more of the things you want the most.

7. I am worthy of prosperity.

You might often find that you think negatively about yourself. If you have this mindset, you will also believe that you aren’t worthy of prosperity or abundance. This mindset isn’t accurate, however, because you are entirely worthy of good things.

If you struggle with negative self-talk, use this affirmation each day. It will boost your confidence and remind you that you are more than enough.

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8. I am in control of my finances.

To get what you want in life, you must control your finances. It is too easy to spend frivolously and make unwise financial decisions, but you can stay in control. Use this affirmation in situations where you know you shouldn’t spend money on something.

You can also use this affirmation when you feel like you can’t make more money. There are always more opportunities out there, and if you believe that you are in control of your earnings, you will find the right ones.

9. I see the wealth all around me.

Whatever you see around you is what you will attract in your life. So, if you see wealth all around you, then you will attract wealth and abundance.

The law of attraction explains that what you think about most is what you will manifest. Focus on the things you want more of, and you will see that it makes all the difference.

10. My income potential is limitless, and my income is continually increasing.

You are the only person that can decide where your income potential stops. Even if you are currently working a dead-end job, you can make a change for the better. To get what you want in life, you must make beneficial changes like finding ways to earn more.

If you tell yourself that your income potential is limitless, you will begin seeing all of the possibilities in life. Then, as you see your income increase, you will have the motivation to keep moving forward.

11. I don’t overspend because I have willpower.

Buying more little things will never make you feel like you are living a life of abundance. If you overspend and leave yourself in a financial crunch, you won’t feel good about it. Plus, if you dip into your savings for something non-essential, you will regret it later.

Before you make purchases, use this abundance affirmation. It will help you shift your mindset, so you can decide if you truly want to spend the money. To get what you truly want in life, use this affirmation to help you make better financial choices.

12. I am ready to embrace the rewards of financial boosts.

As your finances improve, there will be many rewards for you to enjoy. Use this affirmation each day to remind yourself that you are ready for those rewards to come into your life. When you think of these things, you will be more motivated to work hard and get what you want.

13. I know that with hard work, I can make anything happen.

You can get what you want if you don’t work for it. Even with manifesting, you must work toward your goals. When you don’t want to get started, use this phrase to remember that hard work is necessary to reach your long-term goals.

14. I watch for all financial opportunities.

If you want to get what you want, you must watch for any opportunities. Sometimes, life becomes so distracting that you miss out on things that could have been beneficial.

Stay alert and watch for financial opportunities so that you can act on them quickly. There are always opportunities to improve your wealth, but it is up to you to see them and take action.

15. I am on the right path to reach all of my goals.

You might sometimes feel like you aren’t getting anywhere, and it’s completely normal to feel that way. This feeling might make you think you aren’t on the right path, but you can’t get discouraged. Just keep moving and use this affirmation to remind yourself that you are heading in the right direction.

Everything in life takes time, and you won’t always see progress. However, the best parts of life are often the things that you can’t see because success is just on the other side.

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Final Thoughts on Abundance Affirmations That Help You Get What You Want

Abundance doesn’t necessarily mean money, but the two words often go together. However, no matter your dreams, you can get what you want by using abundance affirmations.

These affirmations are positive phrases that will help you manifest the things that you want in life. Don’t get stuck in a rut because you feel like you aren’t worth more. Instead, use these affirmations to help get you going and working toward your goals again.

The post 15 Abundance Affirmations That Help You Get What You Want appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Brave Woman Ends Abusive Relationship and Reclaims Her Health

Alyssa, a 23-year-old who lost 150 pounds after ending an abusive relationship, is inspiring thousands of women on the Internet. She shows people that no matter how far they have to climb, taking that first step will get them there. Being in a toxic relationship can definitely hold you back from your goals. Once you remove them from your life, you can start to heal and reclaim your power.

“I started my weight loss journey in January 2019 after leaving an abusive relationship. I finally decided to take my weight loss seriously.”

Alyssa said, “I started with a ‘calories in, calories out’ kind of diet. I focused on eating foods that were lower in calories. Later on in my journey, I kind of learned how to eat those foods in moderation and still lose weight.”

When you’re just starting on a weight loss journey, tracking calories is important. It helps you learn proper portions and keep tabs on how much you eat. However, as you start memorizing the calories in your meals and snacks, you can give yourself more slack.

Alyssa lost all the weight completely naturally, going from 375 lbs to her current weight of 201 lbs. Actually, she lost 174 pounds total so far! She’s made huge strides toward better health, but it certainly wasn’t a piece of cake to get there.

“It was really hard, in the beginning, to fight those cravings because I was so used to eating sweets and eating out. But after the first 30 days, I saw about 30 pounds lost, and I was really motivated to continue going.”

In addition to eating healthier, Alyssa began working out as well. She says she does whatever exercise she’s in the mood for that day. Her favorites are the elliptical, strength training, and swimming. However, she switches it up often to keep things interesting.

How exercise can help rebuild your life after an abusive relationship

When you leave an abusive relationship, you often don’t remember who you are. You’ve lost your identity because of months or even years of trauma. As a result, you may not even know the first step to take when you’re single again.

However, exercise is a great outlet and a way to release pent-up stress or tension. It also can help you rebuild your confidence and perhaps make new connections at your local gym. Not to mention, working out doesn’t just increase your physical strength. It also makes you more mentally and emotionally resilient.

Exercise releases tons of endorphins, which will help boost your brain health and promote happiness. Sure, working out won’t erase the abusive relationship from your memory, but it can certainly help you move on. Many women find that having an outlet such as exercise helps them stay productive. It’s a positive way to release anger and will give you something to look forward to each day.


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One woman found that after leaving an emotionally abusive relationship, group classes helped her heal. She went to a spin class with a friend at her local gym, and she became hooked in just one session. She loved the choreography, the beats from the music, and the instructor’s uplifting personality.

The group setting helped as well because she made friends with a few cyclists after a while. She even opened up to some of them about her abusive relationship, and they, in turn, shared their struggles. She found it very therapeutic, and it also provided her a way to stay fit. Plus, it cost $32 a class, so she wanted to get her money’s worth.

Her friends helped her stay accountable as well since they would know if she missed a class. If you’re just getting out of an abusive relationship, consider group classes at your gym or yoga studio! It’s a great way to meet people and stay healthy at the same time.

How losing weight helped Alyssa become a new person

Alyssa struggled just like anyone trying to lose weight, but she stayed persistent. Following others on the same journey on social media helped her stick to it. Plus, she kept her eye on the prize, dreaming about how much better she’d feel at a lower weight.

“Throughout this journey, what kept me motivated is watching other Instagrammers who’ve lost a lot of weight. After losing weight, there are so many things that changed. Being able to fit in a rollercoaster, ride on a plane and not buy two seats, being able to hike, to be way more active than I ever was before.”

We’ll leave you with some motivating words and advice from Alyssa herself.

“I didn’t think that life was this enjoyable at all before I lost weight, and I’m still not done yet. You don’t have to wait for a new year, Monday, a new month. If you mess up, if you have one bad meal or a bad snack, it’s not the end of the world, and you can hop back on there,” Alyssa said.

“There’s been countless times where I have messed up and eaten out, but I still stay consistent, and that’s what helped me the most. I feel like when I first started, I had no idea what I was capable of. I’m just so proud of the person that I was, that I stepped forward and made that change, and you can be that proud too.”


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Final thoughts about a woman who lost 150 pounds after leaving an abusive relationship

Abusive relationships take their toll, especially if you’ve been in one for years. They can leave you with lasting emotional, mental and physical trauma, and it can take a long time to heal. However, once you finally say enough’s enough and put an end to the abuse, you can get your life back.

Many women find that therapy helps give them the support and understanding they need. Some people, like Alyssa, have discovered that exercise is a positive outlet for them. No matter what, never stay in a relationship where you’re not valued or loved. If you need support but want to stay anonymous, call the National Domestic Violence hotline at 800-799-SAFE.

The post Brave Woman Ends Abusive Relationship and Reclaims Her Health appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

12 Reasons It’s OK to Stay Friends With An Ex

Are you toying with the idea of staying friends with your ex?

Isn’t it ironic how quickly a long-term relationship can move into the past tense? Then, you both are branded with the dreaded ex- prefix. Even though you’ve parted ways as a couple, staying friends with your former mate can be mutually beneficial.

Twelve Reasons to Stay Friends When You Breakup

They say that breaking up is hard to do, but not every couple parts on bad terms. Sometimes, things don’t work out. Other times, you both realize you’re better as friends than lovers. Here are several reasons why it’s essential to maintain a friendship even after the relationship is over.

1. You Both Share Memories

One of the most challenging things about a breakup is that you’ve so much time and love invested in each other. The longer you’ve been with your ex, the more notable moments you’ll remember. Even in a tumultuous relationship, a few heartfelt memories might resurface.

Staying friends with your ex means that you can reminisce together without the guilt. You should realize that there was a time when you were in love, and it made you better people. After an amicable split, neither of you will spend time destroying pictures or other mementos of your past life as a couple.

2. When Children are Involved

When parents in a committed relationship break up or divorce, it can be especially devastating for the children. A study published by the Linacre Quarterly states that parental divorce can be detrimental to their kids’ physical and mental health. They will develop a feeling of profound loss, especially when away from the non-custodial parent.

However, you, your mate, and your children will all suffer if you try to stay together “for the kids’ sake.” Children are more intuitive than most adults think, and they instinctively feel the barrier between their parents. If the pretend relationship continues, it will eventually implode, and everyone could be hurt even more.

If it’s time to call it quits, that’s the best decision for everyone involved. Breakups and divorce are still painful losses, but doing them civilly can ease some of the hurt. If remaining friends with your ex is asking too much, be the adults and try to remain civil for the children.

3. You Know the Skeletons in Each Other’s Closet

Using an ex’s dirt for blackmail is the classic plot of most exes. If you had an amicable parting of ways with your mate, you would hope that they would be above such treachery. You are a better person than to stoop so low, too.

However, it’s better to err on the side of caution and keep the past buried. Of course, this doesn’t include any criminal act or abuse. It’s just staying confidential about embarrassing moments or information that neither of you would want to be publicized.

You’ve seen each other at your best and worst, so staying friends may be a good idea. It doesn’t mean you are going to be besties. You will be respectful of each other and only speak positive things or nothing at all.

4. You Have a Long History of Friendship

Did you fall in love with your high school sweetheart or someone from a beloved family? Perhaps you were besties long before you ever noticed a romantic spark. Must you discard years of friendship and memories because you weren’t meant to be a couple?

Unless the relationship was toxic and abusive, there’s nothing wrong with staying friends. For some couples who break up or divorce, the word “friends” makes them feel uncomfortable. However, it’s acceptable and even encouraged for those who still feel a positive connection from the past.

What about your mutual friends? The worse thing either of you could do is to force these friends to pick a side. Not only does it put them in an awkward position, but everyone loses in the end. By keeping on friendly terms, your mutual pals will continue to be comfortable in social situations.

5. You Have Each Other’s Backs

Just because you can’t be a couple anymore doesn’t mean you hate each other. Many people have a more profound and positive relationship when it’s platonic. Staying friends means that although you’re not lovers, you still have their best interests at heart.

In an emergency or times of despair, you would “be there” for each other. You both look out for the other and don’t talk bad behind their back. Even when you are dating different people, you both can count on each other.

6. You Still Understand Each Other

Other than physical attraction, one thing that drew you together in the first place was mutual understanding. After those countless conversations on dates and the whispered pillow talks long into the night, you “get” each other. They are just as patient and forgiving of your quirks as you are of theirs.

Who else would understand how much you hate tomatoes but can’t eat fries without ranch dressing? Maybe you still sleep with a fan because they could do without one. You both know what makes each other tick, and remaining friends won’t change that.

7. You’re Both Free of Resentment

Some couples break up because the relationship isn’t working for them anymore. However, mistakes and other hurtful situations can tear people apart. Neither of you benefits by holding grudges.

If you lose yourself in bitterness from a past relationship, you’re the one who pays the most. An article published by the Mayo Clinic says that holding a grudge can undermine you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You may feel justified as you forge each link of bitterness, but they eventually become shackles that bind you from future happiness.

Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself. It neither excuses nor erases past hurts. But when you forgive each other and go on, you’ll be free of the burden of resentment. Staying friends may not be an option, but you can still be on civil terms.

8. No More Hiding in Public

After you’ve experienced a breakup or divorce, your anxiety levels may peak when you start seeing other people again. Not only do you feel uneasy about your ex seeing you, but you may see them with another person. These are normal feelings, but you can’t let them impede your healing and future relationships.

Your first step to moving on is the realization that you’re both free to see other people. Of course, it will be a bit confusing and hurtful at first. Neither of you will feel the urge to hide by remaining friends if you see each other with another lover.

9. It May Help Future Relationships

Have you ever had an exit interview? When you resign and take another job, many companies request these interviews to understand your views. It sheds light on what may have gone wrong and how they can be a better employer to their employees.

Perhaps you and your ex had extensive conversations about what didn’t work in your relationship. Instead of playing the blame game, you may have mutually decided to go separate ways. However, these conversations helped you see your shortcomings and things you need to change for future relationships.

10. You Both Feel Like Your Time Wasn’t Wasted

If your broken relationship was abusive and toxic, you could still be proud that you are a strong survivor. When your breakup or divorce was amicable, neither of you will feel like your love was useless. Also, you will feel that you gained valuable insight and emotional maturity.

Plus, you both put your hearts on the line for love. In the immortal advice of Alfred Lord Tennyson, it’s better to have loved and lost instead of never loving. It’s his way of saying that love is worth it, and you won’t live with the “what ifs” of love undone.

11. Some Bridges Aren’t Meant to Be Burned

Staying friends with your ex doesn’t mean that you are texting and seeing each other every day as in the past. You probably won’t have your pictures together hanging on the wall or your social media pages. However, you can keep in contact occasionally when needed.

During your relationship, you probably created close relationships with each other’s family and friends. You may have broken up or divorced your ex, but you still have these people you love. Who knows when your paths may cross in the future, and you don’t want to stand helplessly at a burned bridge.

12. There’s Nothing to Argue About Now

Many people make better friends than mates, which may be the case with you and your ex. When you were together, perhaps you bickered constantly about finances and other relationship issues. Now that you’re apart with separate lives and resources, these sore subjects may be moot points.

In a relationship, you may have been at each other’s throats constantly. As ex-partners who are staying friends, you might laugh and enjoy each other’s company again. Your past relationship may also help you not to make the same mistakes again with future lovers.

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Final Thoughts on Life Lessons from Remaining Friends With Your Ex

After a breakup or divorce, staying friends doesn’t mean everything is swept under the carpet and you’re lovers again. As mature adults, you both try to maintain civility and mutual respect. When you can do that, you both walk away as better people.

The post 12 Reasons It’s OK to Stay Friends With An Ex appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

How to Make Himalayan Sea Salt Candle Diffusers

If you love Himalayan sea salt and candles, why not combine the two and create homemade diffusers? They can help purify and cleanse the air in your home while leaving it smelling amazing. Plus, they look beautiful and make a great decorative piece for any home. You could even place them on outdoor patio tables to create a relaxing vibe at nighttime.

We’ll show you how to make several different sea salt candles so you can place them throughout your home.

Here’s how to make homemade himalayan sea salt candle diffusers

1. Lavender bergamot sea salt candle

Relax your mind with this fragrant diffuser.

What you’ll need:

– 1/2 cup sea salt – Red and blue food coloring – Tea light candle – Votive candle holder – Lavender essential oil – Bergamot essential oil – Small spoon – Small bowl – Dried lavender


1. Grab a small bowl and measure about 1/2 cup Himalayan sea salt. Pour into bowl. 2. Squeeze a couple drops of both red and blue food coloring into the bowl. 3. Stir with a small spoon to coat the salt evenly. 4. Add about 7-10 drops of lavender oil and 5-7 drops of bergamot essential oil. Stir once again with the spoon. 5. Finally, add your dried lavender to the mix, stirring thoroughly. 6. Grab your votive holder and scoop about 3 tablespoons of salt into it. 7. Place the tea light candle inside and light it. Now, sit back and relax while the smell of lavender fills your home.

2. Mint lime candle

Invigorate your senses and sharpen your focus.

What you’ll need:

– 1/2 cup sea salt – Tea light candle – Votive candle holder – Small spoon – Small bowl – Spice grinder or pestle – Fresh mint leaves – Mint essential oil – Lime zest


1. First, grab your bowl and pour in a handful of sea salt. Add about 10 small mint leaves to the bowl. 2. Next, use a dropper to squeeze 10 drops of mint essential oil into the bowl. 3. Use a spice grinder or pestle to crush the mint leaves. 4. Now, add in the rest of the salt. 5. Put 5-7 drops of lime essential oil in the bowl, along with about a teaspoon of lime zest. 6. Mix it all up with a small spoon. 7. Place 3 tablespoons of salt into the candle holder, and put the tea light candle on top. 8. Light it and enjoy the invigorating, energizing aroma of the mint and lime.

ways to use himalayan salt
3. Rosemary lemongrass Himalayan pink sea salt candle

Indulge in a spa-like treat for your body and mind.

What you’ll need:

– 1/2 cup Himalayan pink sea salt – Small bowl and spoon – Lemongrass essential oil – Rosemary essential oil – Dried rosemary – Votive candle holder – Tea light candle


1. Pour half a cup of the pink sea salt into your bowl. Add roughly two teaspoons of rosemary sprigs and 7-10 drops of lemongrass essential oil. 2. Next, use a dropper to squeeze approximately 7-10 drops of rosemary essential oil into the mixture. 3. Stir with a spoon to combine the ingredients. 4. Spoon 3-4 generous scoops into the candle holder and place the candle on top. 5. Light the candle and breathe in the woody, citrusy fragrance of the lemongrass and rosemary.

4. Lemon grapefruit orange sea salt candle

This aromatic treat will boost your mood.

What you’ll need:

– 1/2 cup sea salt – Yellow food coloring – Small bowl and spoon – Lemon essential oil – Grapefruit essential oil – Orange essential oil – Lemon zest


1. For this citrusy candle, you’ll just need a few ingredients. Grab your bowl and once again pour in the sea salt. 2. Add a couple heaping drops of yellow food coloring to make this sea salt candle pop. 3. Stir with a small spoon to combine with the salt. 4. Next, add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil. 5. Add 3-5 drops of grapefruit and 7-10 drops of orange essential oils into the mixture. 6. Combine thoroughly with the spoon. 7. Finally, add about 1 teaspoon of lemon zest and stir in with the spoon. 8. You know the drill: scoop about 3.5 spoonfuls of the sea salt into the candle holder. 9. Add the candle, light it, and allow the uplifting citrus scents to rejuvenate your soul.

We hope these homemade sea salt candles will add peace and beauty to your home. They don’t take long to put together, and it can help you relax after a stressful day. Wondering which candle diffuser you should make? We’ll go over all the benefits of the various fragrances below.

Benefits of aromatherapy

People have been using aromatherapy throughout the world for millennia to treat different ailments. Certain fragrances can aid in healing both the mind and body, another testament to the power of plant medicines. The effects depend on which plant you’re using for aromatherapy.

Here’s a few of the widely known benefits of each plant:

Lavender. Promotes calmness and relaxation, especially when used before bed. Can help ease your mind and reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Lavender may also alleviate headaches and mild body or menstrual cramps.Bergamot. Is known to boost mood, reduce inflammation, and eliminate fatigue, anxiety and stress.Mint. When mint is diffused, it can help boost cognitive function, reduce headaches and relieve nausea or stomach discomfort.Lime. Lime is a very energizing scent, helping balance emotions, renew the mind, and promote well-being.Rosemary. Rosemary is an energizing yet calming fragrance. It’s known to relax the mind and body while perking you up if you’re down.Lemongrass. Lemongrass is a powerful anti-inflammatory, helping to reduce migraines and stomachaches. It can also ease stress and anxiety while improving cognitive performance.Citrus: Lemon, orange, and grapefruit. We lumped these together because they have similar benefits. Citrus scents are known to invigorate and energize you, promoting a positive mood.

Final thoughts on how to make Himalayan sea salt candle diffusers

As you can see, these candles have many benefits and will add a touch of beauty to your home. After a long day, the smell of fragrant herbs can help relax you and ease your mind. If you don’t have a diffuser, you can easily make your own with these simple recipes. Use lavender if you want to wind down, and the others if you need a quick energy boost.

The post How to Make Himalayan Sea Salt Candle Diffusers appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

25 Gaslighting Phrases Abusive People Use to Control Others

Abusive people are good at using phrases that you might not realize are abuse. They say things that will cause you to question your memory and your mind. The abuser will use the gaslighting phrases repeatedly to continue bringing their victim down.

As psychologists explain, the abuser works to attack others. They do so gradually with rude comments or criticism. Then, they will play it off like a joke, or they will outright lie about having said it.

25 Gaslighting Phrases Abusive People Use to Control Others

Gaslighting is incredibly damaging to the victim and can cause them to become trapped in a cycle of abuse. If you know anyone that uses these gaslighting phrases, you can likely identify them as an abusive person.

1. “Since you can’t remember anything, I’ll tell you once again.”

A person that gaslights will always try to make you feel like you are having memory issues. They do this to convince you to remember a situation differently. When it happens often enough, it can cause you to question your sanity.

An abuser uses this method to warp reality and convince you of things that never happened. Even when you know what you saw and felt, you will still end up questioning your reality.

2. “Why are you lying? I never did that.”

This is another phrase abusive people use to control others. It is another tactic of making you question your memory. They convince you to replace the real experiences with what they want you to believe.

This gaslighting phrase will make you feel like you’re in the wrong. Even when you saw the abuser do something or hear what they said, they will try this type of phrase.

3. “You’re just stressed out.”

When someone tells you that you only feel or think something because you are stressed out, it is a sign of gaslighting. The abuser tries to make you feel like you are mentally weak and not thinking clearly. As they use this phrase, they will likely say other things that make it sound like you’re making no sense.

4. “I can see what that says about you.”

They might follow this statement up by telling you that you’re the only person with your views. An abusive person likes to make their victims feel unstable and like they are an outcast. This phrase isolates you and makes you question who you are and what you believe in.

5. “Don’t you remember talking about this?”

When you aren’t comfortable with something or don’t want to do it, they will make you feel like you already agreed to it. The abuser attempts to alter your beliefs to get you to do something you wouldn’t otherwise agree to. Abusive people are so convincing that victims often believe their abuser when they use this tactic.

6. “Your friends are not good people.”

Anytime someone tries convincing you that the people you love and enjoy spending time with are bad, they are abusive. Someone that gaslights others wants to isolate their victims, and their friend group is usually the first place it starts. They will quickly want to be the only relationship you have in life.

Abusive people will try to convince you to cut the people in your life off to gain control. The more people they can remove, the more you will depend on them. Plus, they don’t want anyone to point out how cruel their behavior is, and your loved ones would do that.

7. “You are crazy. Everyone can see that.”

An abusive person will say things like this, and they might also call you obsessive. They do this to make you feel like you are acting and thinking inappropriately. Their goal is to make you doubt yourself so that they can gain control over you.

8. “You have no reason to be upset.”

They will argue that they didn’t do anything wrong or that they didn’t know you would be mad. Even when the abuser knows that they were wrong, they will try to convince you that you are wrong instead. They will shift the blame or minimize their actions, causing you to doubt your thoughts and feelings.

A person like this will fail to see the issue, even if you explain it well. They might also blame their actions on their beliefs and then continue the behavior. When they use their beliefs or values as an excuse, they will feel validated.

9. “I’m not even mad or upset.”

Abusive people that gaslight others will behave like they are upset or angry but won’t talk about it. If you ask them why they are mad, they will tell you that they aren’t. This behavior leaves the victim wondering if they imagine things, although it is obvious the abuser is upset.

They may even use this situation as an opportunity to turn the problem on you. Once they state that they aren’t upset, they will accuse you of being angry instead.

10. “It isn’t my fault you can’t communicate better.”

When you are upset or hurt by something an abusive person said, they will accuse you of misinterpreting them. Even when there is no other way to interpret what they said, they will tell you that you should communicate better.

Not only does this make you question your memory, but it also makes you question your ability to communicate. Every time an abuser does this, they are making their victim believe them more. They cause you to question your reality and assume that you are the one with the issues.

11. “You know I was joking.”

When someone says hurtful things to you or does something mean, they will tell you it was a joke. An abuser will accuse you of not being able to take a joke. The reason they do this is that they are unable to apologize or admit wrongdoing.

12. “Why are you so paranoid?”

Even with evidence of wrongdoing, a gaslighter will use this phrase. An abusive person using this tactic to make you feel small and like your thoughts aren’t valid. Not only that, but it can cause you to question your beliefs and opinions entirely.

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13. “You are over-reacting.”

Calling you dramatic or saying that you are over-reacting is a common indication of gaslighting. By saying this, the abuser is telling you that your feelings are invalid.

14. “I only say mean things because…”

An abuser will twist and reframe the words they use if they realize you are upset about them. They will claim that what they said was a way to help you rather than hurt you.

15. “If you don’t do it, then you don’t love me.”

Abusers will try to make you do things you aren’t comfortable with. They claim that if you don’t do what they want, it shows them that you don’t love them. This phrase might come up if you don’t forgive them for something hurtful that they did to you.

16. “You are the only person that I have problems with.”

When you speak up, an abuser will use a phrase similar to this. They can convince you that you are the only one that has a problem with their behavior, which validates them.

17. “I don’t care what you said because I know what you’re thinking.”

It doesn’t matter what you say because a gaslighter won’t listen. The abuser will assume that they know what you are thinking despite anything you speak aloud. This is a mechanism they use to assert their domination.

18. “Why do you take everything so seriously?”

When you are upset about something, this is a common phrase that abusers will use. They will make you feel like nothing you think matters, and they will work at making you feel numb.

19. “You’re too sensitive.”

If you cry or get upset, an abuser will likely say this to you. This situation is especially true if you are crying because of them. It is their way of deflecting attention away from them by making you feel like you are the one in the wrong instead.

20. “You always read too much into things.”

An abuser will say something like this to get you to stop looking into things that are bothering you. As the abuser tells you that you are overthinking, it might cause you to back off and let it go.

21. “Listen to yourself.”

This phrase makes you feel like you’re acting irrationally. It knocks your self-esteem and can make it hard for you to speak up.

22. “I’m the only one that will love you.”

An abuser convinces their victim that no one else loves them. They want to make their victim feel like they are unlovable so that the victim will stick around. One way they do this is by saying that people are talking badly about you.

23. “It’s your fault.”

No matter what they have done or said, abusive people will turn it around and blame you. If they can make you think it’s all your fault, they won’t have to change their bad behavior.

Abusive people will even blame others for their emotions. If they are unhappy, it is always someone else’s fault, and that person is usually their biggest victim.

24. “You should have known…”

Anytime someone says that you should have known something they never said, it is a gaslighting tactic. No one is a mind reader, and there is no way for you to know something they never told you.

25. “You’re blowing things out of proportion.”

In most cases, when someone uses this phrase, they are attempting to hide something. It is a tactic to draw attention away from what they are doing wrong. Then, they turn it on you to make you question yourself instead.

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25 Gaslighting Phrases Abusive People Use to Control Others

If you know someone that uses these damaging gaslighting phrases, protect yourself from them. Don’t let their words work on you and remove yourself from the situation right away.

While gaslighting phrases are only words, they are incredibly damaging mentally. Knowing the tactics an abusive person uses can help you avoid becoming their next victim.

The post 25 Gaslighting Phrases Abusive People Use to Control Others appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

20 Soothing Phrases to Help Reassure a Frightened Child

When a child is frightened, finding soothing phrases to use will help calm the intense emotion.

While you would like to prevent children from ever experiencing fear, it isn’t a realistic option. Instead, you must find ways to soothe the child and help them through those moments. Soothing phrases are helpful because it allows the child to open up, and it also helps them gain perspective.

Sometimes, it is hard to find the right words to use. These soothing phrases will help you say the right thing every time, allowing you to help the child effectively.

Twenty Soothing Phrases to Help Reassure a Frightened Child

Try these to calm your little one’s frazzled nerves.

1. Can I hug you or cuddle with you?

When a child is frightened, physical contact can make all the difference. Always ask first because you don’t want to upset them any more than they already are. If the child agrees, go ahead and hug them or let them sit on your lap.

With a frightened child, they should be comfortable. Let them choose their position, and you adapt to them. The physical contact paired with the soothing gesture gives them a chance to feel safe and relaxed.

2. I am not going anywhere until you feel better. I am here to help.

Stay with the child until the feeling passes, and make sure they know you aren’t going anywhere. When they understand that they won’t be alone, it will help empower them to get through the situation. Ask the child what they need from you, and let them guide the experience in this way.

Not only will your presence reassure them, but asking them what they need gives them a way to control the situation. Once they feel like they are in control, they can cope with their emotions a little better.

3. Let’s make a list together of all the ways you could try to calm down.

When you help the child make a list of coping strategies, it works in a few ways. The child switches to logical thinking, which will help them see past the fear. It gives them ideas that they can use to overcome the overwhelming emotion they are experiencing.

Plus, it works as a way of making the child feel like they are regaining control. Once the list is complete, you can ask them which coping strategy they want to use. When they decide, it gives them a confidence boost and helps decrease the fear they are feeling.

4. Maybe you could draw what you are feeling.

Sometimes kids struggle to explain their feelings. Encourage the child to draw what they are feeling, and it will serve as an outlet and a method of communication. If they don’t know what to draw, suggest that they draw a monster that characterizes their feelings.

5. Sometimes, I feel scared, too, and I know that it is hard.

When a child knows that adults feel frightened sometimes, too, it’ll be easier for them to manage. Relating to the child can give them a chance to talk about their feelings. Plus, by validating their emotion, you will show that you respect them and that their feelings are okay.

6. I am proud of you no matter what happens, and I believe in you.

Children can be afraid of not making someone proud if they don’t do well. If this is the case, telling the child that you are proud of them regardless of what happens will help them feel better. Plus, adding in the note about believing in them will help get them courage, too.

7. Can you tell me how big your worry is?

This might seem like a crazy question to ask, but it helps the child verbalize their emotion. It gives you an idea of how scared they are, too. With this information, the two of you can work on a solution to figure out the rest of the details.

8. Close your eyes and imagine what I say.

Using visualization is a powerful way to reassure a frightened child. It eases anxiety and helps them imagine a safe, happy, and comfortable place. The more detailed you are in your description, the better their fear slips away.

9. Let’s listen to your favorite songs and have a dance party. We can worry later.

Give the child a way to find joy. Music helps because it helps release tension and worry. Dancing to the music will help them physically let the fear go as it releases anxiety and boosts their mood.

10. I love you, and you are safe with me.

When a child knows that they are loved, anything is easier to handle. Knowing that they are safe is just as powerful. Repeat this phrase to the child until they have calmed down, and then reassure them of it.

When a child is afraid, things seem worse than they are for them. They need comfort, safety, and love to regain control of their emotions.

11. Ask me any questions you have, and if I don’t know the answer, we will find it out.

Sometimes a child is fearful because they don’t understand something or are confused about it. Telling the child that you are open to any question will give them the courage to seek answers. As they gain knowledge, their fears will ease, and they will feel much better.

Teach them that learning can help and that there is nothing wrong with asking questions. Plus, looking up the answers you don’t know will help solidify the information they have just learned.

When you admit you don’t know, either, they will feel more confident in themselves and trust you more. The child will see that you don’t always have all the answers, just like them. They will trust your information and trust you to give them the correct answers, too.

12. I always remember the time you…

Telling stories of the past will distract your child from their fear. Even better, telling stories about a time they overcame something will give them confidence. Before you know it, they will feel better and move past the fear.

13. Why do you think you are feeling this way?

When a child thinks about why they feel afraid, it can help them understand it better. Oftentimes, children don’t think of the reason for something, which is part of why the fear can be so overwhelming.

14. I want to hear how high you can count!

This phrase will distract a child from their worries and fears immediately. Another tactic of counting is to count items.

You can ask them to count the stuffed animals on their bed or the number of people wearing a hat. Look around you and find something that will take a little bit of time.

15. What is one step we can take to make the situation better?

This phrase changes the child’s mindset. Instead of being afraid and doing nothing about it, they learn to look at what they can do to make it better. Assure them that they don’t have to fix the entire situation at once, but working on the first step helps.

16. Let’s focus on breathing together.

Breathing techniques can help anyone calm down and release negative emotions. This is a strategy that adults often use, but it is just as effective for kids.

If they don’t want to do it at first, that is okay, too. You can say that you will do it anyway, but that the child doesn’t have to. Explain that you are going to take a deep breath, and they can join if they want.

By giving them a choice, you are letting them feel like they are in control of themselves. As the child watches you or even listens to you breathe, it will still have a soothing effect. You can also explain how the breathing made you feel.

17. Look at the clock and tell me when two minutes have passed.

When the child watched the clock, they will be slightly distracted from their worries. The distraction will allow them to calm their concerns for a moment. Then you can explain that just like the time on the clock passed, their bad feelings will pass, too.

18. Will you tell me all of the people that you love?

This phrase is beneficial in two ways. First, it will distract the child from their worries and help them focus on positivity. Plus, it will fill their mind with all of the people that make them feel good.

19. Tell me what you are worried will happen.

Letting the child talk through their fears can help them get it out, and it gives you an understanding. Once you know what the worry is, you can discuss the changes of that situation happening. Then, discuss the most likely outcome and the other things that could happen.

When the child begins to see all the different possibilities, they will learn that they can’t predict the future. This knowledge will ease their fear because they won’t worry so much about the worst possible outcome.

This phrase will get the child talking, and then the follow-up will help them think logically. Don’t interrupt when the child is talking because letting them get it all out can help them process it.

20. I think we should go for a walk together.

Since exercise relieves anxiety, it is a beneficial way to diminish their fears. Plus, walking together offers time to talk, too. Your child will open up more as they let their worries out.

Final Thoughts on Soothing Phrases to Help Reassure a Frightened Child

When a child is frightened, soothing them can be difficult. With these phrases, though, you will have an easier time calming the child down.

Once the child is calm, these soothing phrases will help you address the problem with the child. Helping them think the situation through helps them learn to cope. Plus, taking the time to be there for the child will benefit both of you.

The post 20 Soothing Phrases to Help Reassure a Frightened Child appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

What Are Soul Ties & The Problems They Cause After Break-Ups

Whether you've felt incredibly close soul ties with family members, partners, or your best friends, you'll know how powerful it can be.

But what can you do to move on, when a relationship ends and you're left with that sense of connection?

The feeling you're left with is linked to something called a soul tie, and with time and effort, you can let go of it in a safe, healthy way.

We'll start by developing the idea of soul ties in more depth, looking at how you might identify one and how they change your life.

Most importantly, we'll then move on to help you break a soul tie after a relationship ends. We'll outline an effective three-step process you can follow, offering examples of what each step might look like for you.

Finally, we'll close with a brief exploration of what you can do when you're ready to attract the next deep relationship into your life.

What Are Soul Ties?

In the simplest terms, a soul tie is a link between yourself and someone you struggle to imagine life without.

You might sometimes hear it call a spiritual connection or a soul bond, but the key notion is that you experience a profound intimacy with this person and a desire to keep them close.

Unfortunately, we can have and negative soul ties.

Our connections to others don't depend on their moral goodness or even their suitability for us.

That means that at some point, we may need to deliberately sever a soul tie to take care of our own well-being.

How To Know If You’ve Been Soul Tied And Do Positive Soul Ties Exist?

How To Know If You’ve Been Soul Tied And Do Positive Soul Ties Exist?
The good news is that many such connections are positive soul ties.

We may feel one with a sibling who provides lifelong support, or the partner with whom we want to start a family.

Whether you've been soul tied in a way that is healthy or unhealthy for you, the main signs are the same:

You feel incredibly sad when the person leavesYou can intuit one another's thoughts easilyThis person knows you on a deep levelYour connection developed easily, with almost no effortYou think about this person every dayYou struggle to imagine life without them.

The Problems That Come With Soul Ties

The Problems That Come With Soul Ties
Unhealthy soul ties tend to arise in cases where the other person is no longer good for you.

Consequently, you see them most often at the end of a relationship, when a breakup has occurred but the underlying connection still lingers (often for years).

You may genuinely believe you are better off without this person, but nevertheless, feel bereft without them.

Symptoms of soul ties that may need to be broken include:

Difficulty moving on to a new relationshipHaving recurring dreams about your ex-partnerConstantly replaying old memoriesWondering if someone could have been done to save the relationshipFeeling tempted to reach out even when it's a bad ideaFeeling you have no sense of self without this other person.

Where a soul tie should bring joy and fulfillment, in cases like the above your soul tie is actually holding you back.

But how do you move on from a connection this deep?

The 3 Step Plan When Learning How To Break Soul Ties

The best way to break soul ties for good is to follow a three-step plan that helps you move on in a self-compassionate, healthy way.

You'll know in yourself when it's time to make this move. Sometimes, people need longer than others to come to terms with the idea of this loss.

However, on the other side, there is a world of opportunity and the possibility for wonderful connections that are just as deep as the one you've left behind.

Discovery And Action

Discovery And Action Is Important As Time Is Limited
The first step is coming to terms with the fact that you're still holding onto this old relationship, and deciding that you want to make a change.

There are many reasons to hide from this reality, ranging from a lingering hope of reconciliation to fear of what will happen if we step into the unknown.

In addition, soul ties are like anything else that can form addiction in us. We can become dependent on our soul ties – or thoughts about those ties – to regulate our emotions, and we can feel adrift without those people.

What does the discovery stage look like? It might involve admitting your difficulties to a friend or therapist, or perhaps you're more comfortable writing in a journal.

These are important ways of better understanding what's happening in you – what you're feeling, and what you need. However, to actually go on to break a soul tie, you need to do more than simply discuss the situation.

Helpful early actions to take include removing the person from your everyday life – for example, you should avoid keeping up with their social media profiles and remove their number from your phone.

Forgiving The Past

Secondly, we now know that a major reason why we end up stuck with old soul ties is a failure to forgive.

Typically, you'll need to work on both forgiving yourself and forgiving the other person.

Think of this as a way of getting rid of “emotional debts” that keep soul ties alive.

To forgive the past, write down what you haven't yet moved past. Is it the time you were cruel in an argument? Is it that you feel you wasted years of your life on someone who hurt you? Write down one reason to forgive each of these things.

Finally Cutting Soul Ties Loose

Finally Cutting Soul Ties Loose
Eventually, you must go cold turkey, cutting the soul tie by removing all traces.

For example, look for reminders in your home and get rid of them.

Whether they are gifts, mementos, or photos, the longer they are there then the longer the soul tie will remain.

The other aspect of this process involves letting go of contingency plans.

Have you held onto tickets for a future event you were meant to attend together, just in case?

Are you avoiding the dating scene just so that you might be free if your soul tie wishes to return?

Act as if you no longer have the soul tie, and it will gradually disintegrate.

Use The Law Of Attraction To Build Relationships

It's always painful when we build relationships only to lose them. It's especially difficult if we're letting go of a soul tie to someone who really made us feel seen and loved – at least for a time.

However, true kindred spirits will go the distance, and the ending of your last relationship is a sign that your true soul mate is yet to be discovered.

What can you learn from the relationship that didn't work? It's likely there's a lot – for example, maybe you need a partner who better supports your career, or perhaps you need someone who is more distinct from you.

The Law of Attraction teaches us that if we hold all of this in mind – all we want from a partner – we can attract the right person into our lives.

By visualizing them, affirming that we deserve love, and working every day to boost our vibration, we can finally manifest the love we really deserve.

The post What Are Soul Ties & The Problems They Cause After Break-Ups appeared first on The Law Of Attraction.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

20 Phrases To Repeat Every Day That Relieve Chronic Depression

These twenty inspiring quotes can help uplift your spirits on your gloomiest days.

Chronic depression is a serious issue all around the world. In fact, it impacts approximately 17.3 million adults in the United States alone. If you aren’t one of those that suffer from depression, chances are someone close to you does. These inspiring quotes to help relieve chronic depression can ease the negative feelings that accompany it.

When you battle with depression, some days are much worse than others. There will be days when you don’t even feel like getting out of bed, let alone living your life. Luckily, many resources are available to help you, and these inspiring quotes are one of them.

Inspiring Quotes to Help Relieve Chronic Depression

Use these inspiring quotes to help lift you out of your depression so that you can live your life again. If someone you know suffers from depression, then share these inspiring quotes with them, too.

1. “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.” – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

While experiencing these situations and feelings is never desired, try to stay positive. Remind yourself that many great and successful people in the world have been through it before. They pulled through and forged ahead, and you can, too.

2. “You are not your illness. You have an individual story to tell. You have a name, a history, a personality. Staying yourself is part of battle.” – Julian Seifter

While you may have been diagnosed with chronic depression, it doesn’t define who you are. You are still the same person with the same history and personality, so make sure to stay true to yourself. Don’t lose yourself in an attempt to get through the illness, but instead, embrace the things that make you unique.

3. “Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget about everything except what you’re going to do now—and do it.” – William Durant

Everyone makes mistakes, but you have to forgive yourself for them and forget about them. Forget about all the things that hold you back or make you doubt yourself. If you can let go of those things, you will have an easier time relieving chronic depression.

4. “If you want the light to come into your life, you need to stand where it is shining.” – Guy Finley

Look for the things that make you feel good and happy. Find what makes you feel better and a little brighter, and then focus on that. If you want to feel better and relieve your depression, you must find the things that inspire or comfort you.

5. “If you don’t think your anxiety, depression, sadness, and stress impact your physical health, think again. All of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in your body, which can lead to inflammation and a weakened immune system. Learn how to cope, sweet friend. There will always be dark days.” – Kris Carr

All of these negative emotions can impact your physical health, too. This gives you even more of a reason to work on relieving your chronic depression. Find ways to cope, even on the hardest days, so that you can live a healthy life.

6. “Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.” – William James

If you believe that life is worth it, you will notice the depression lifts a bit. Try using positive affirmations for depression to reaffirm your belief. As you speak the words out loud to yourself, you are more likely to believe them and live by them.

7. “Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

Just because you have been defeated once doesn’t mean that everything is over. You can be defeated and still move forward, and you should strive to do so.

If you can accept defeat and keep trying anyway, you will find that your depression lifts. Don’t let your mental health hold you back and make you feel like you can’t do more or keep trying.

8. “Sometimes, life will kick you around, but sooner or later, you realize you’re not just a survivor. You’re a warrior, and you’re stronger than anything life throws your way.” – Brooke Davis

As you endure all of the hardships and obstacles in life, you will become a survivor. You have survived everything so far and gotten stronger with each step.

9. “Depression, suffering, and anger are all part of being human.” – Janet Fitch

You are not weird or messed up for being depressed. These emotions are part of being human, and everyone has their own mental issues to deal with. Keep pushing through, and don’t give yourself a hard time because of your situation.

10. “On particularly rough days when I’m sure I can’t possibly endure, I like to remind myself that my track record for getting through bad days so far is 100%, and that’s pretty good.” – Unknown

You have gotten through all hardships, obstacles, and bad days in the past. Remember that you made it through all of those times, and you will make it through this one, too. Recall this inspiring quote anytime you feel like you can’t go on, and you will remember the reason you can.

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11. “Each morning, we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” – Buddha

Every day is a new chance to try again. Don’t worry or obsess over what happened yesterday or any other day in the past. Focus on today, and you will find that your depression is much easier to overcome and handle.

12. “The only cure I have ever known for fear and doubt and loneliness is an immense love of self.” – Alison Malee

Depression can cause all of these negative feelings that Malee describes. If you can love yourself, though, you can push the feelings of depression, fear, doubt, and loneliness away. Practice self-love always and see where it leads you.

13. “Don’t let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.” – Richard L. Evans

Life will bring you down sometimes, but don’t let it discourage you. All of the successful and happy people in the world struggled to get to where they are, too.

14. “You say you’re ‘depressed’ – all I see is resilience. You are allowed to feel messed up and inside out. It doesn’t mean you’re defective – it just means you’re human.” – David Mitchell

Instead of saying that you are depressed, try saying that you are resilient. Intense emotions happen, as do mental health conditions, but you are allowed to feel depressed. There is nothing wrong with it, despite anything you have heard, because being human is hard.

As you fight through your depression, remember how resilient you are. No one can get through life unscathed, and everyone has different issues to deal with. Give yourself credit for pushing forward and continuing to live life even as you work to relieve your depression.

15. “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside of you that is greater than any obstacle.” – Christian D. Larson

When you can believe in yourself, you can do anything you set your mind to, including relieving chronic depression. You are stronger and more resilient than anything that will come your way.

16. “I’m not grateful for depression, but it honestly made me work harder and gave me the drive that I have to succeed and to make it work.” – Lili Reinhart

While depression is never a good thing, you can find positivity in your situation as Reinhart did. Your depression could push you to work harder, be determined, and stay focused as you accomplish your goals. Use it as a tool to motivate yourself instead of letting it hold you back.

17. “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

You can apply this inspiring quote to many instances in life, including relieving chronic depression. When you are depressed, you will likely experience a lack of motivation or a belief that you can’t get anything done. To relieve depression, though, you must find a way to get started and move forward in life.

As you move forward, you will notice that the intense feelings of depression ease a little more all the time. Begin with the things that require immediate attention, and then you will find that you can do even more. Please don’t overdo it, but move forward a little more each time you accomplish something, no matter how small.

18. “Keep yourself busy if you want to avoid depression. For me, inactivity is the enemy.” – Matt Lucas

When your depression seems to be overtaking you, find something to do. Staying busy is one of the best ways to relieve chronic depression because you will be busy. Your mind and body will both be focused on something else instead.

19. “Accept challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.” – George S. Patton

With depression, you might not feel like doing anything, much less something challenging. Fight through the urge to turn down challenges. The feeling that comes with completing a challenge will surely relieve your depression.

20. “You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.” – Dan Millman

When you have negative throughs, try pushing them away and focus on positive thinking. If that doesn’t work, decide not to let your thoughts control you. Be your voice of reason, and tell yourself that life is worth so much more than your negative thoughts.

Final Thoughts on Inspiring Quotes to Help Relieve Chronic Depression

You can’t let chronic depression control your life. Finding a way to relieve the feelings is essential if you want to keep moving forward and reaching your goals.

When you need some help, come back and re-read these inspiring quotes to help relieve chronic depression. Remember to share them with other people in your life who may be suffering, as well.

If it seems like there is no way to overcome your depression, remember these inspiring quotes. They will help you remember that you are not alone in this and that you can get through it.

The post 20 Phrases To Repeat Every Day That Relieve Chronic Depression appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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