Wednesday, March 31, 2021

20 Powerful Daily Affirmations to Help You Ignore Toxic People

When you must be around toxic people, it can be hard to stay strong. Ignoring them will help you, but you must first figure out a good way to do so. These powerful daily affirmations can help you if you want to ignore the toxic people in your life. While you might consider eliminating toxic people from your life, it isn’t always possible. Even if it is possible, it could take some time to settle things before moving on. Either way, these powerful daily affirmations can give you the strength you need to ignore them.

Powerful Daily Affirmations to Help You Ignore Toxic People

Stay strong so that toxic people can’t interfere with your positive mindset. Keep your thoughts focused on what is important, and do your best to ignore toxic people.

1. Each time I hear something negative, I will replace it with a positive thought.

When you have no choice but to be around toxic people, repeat this affirmation. Then, their negativity and toxicity won’t affect you as much. When you hear something negative, you will think about something positive instead.

2. I acknowledge that toxic people are not worth my time or energy.

Please don’t allow yourself to become wrapped up in their toxic ways. Their behaviors could take up your time and energy if you let them. Make sure to focus your time and energy on important, positive things instead.

The things toxic people say might come to mind often, causing you to believe them. If you use this affirmation, though, you will be more resilient to their words. Always remember that the things they say or do aren’t worth your effort.

3. I will not take negative comments or behaviors personally.

Toxic people can’t help but behave negatively, so their words and behaviors will portray that. They often say or do things to hurt others maliciously, but you can protect yourself.

The things they say often aren’t true. Plus, their behavior is a reflection of how they feel about themselves, not about you. If you can remember this, you will have an easier time ignoring them.

4. I am the only person here that can control my emotions.

No matter who is around you, they can’t control your emotions. You are the only person in your life that can decide how you feel. The people around you can influence your mood if you let them, but it is your choice to make.

Use this powerful daily affirmation to remember that you are the only one that decides how you feel. This way, you will be better able to ignore toxic people and focus on your well-being.

5. I know my success depends on me staying focused.

Focus on your goals and dreams rather than the toxicity around you. Anytime you begin to feel your thoughts stray, repeat this affirmation to help you refocus. It will help you ignore the toxic people around you as you work toward your goals.

6. I recognize the beauty around me, even when I am in the presence of toxic people.

There is beauty in the world everywhere you go. If you remember to look for the good around you, then you can ignore the toxic people in your life. Keep your thoughts on the positive things in your life, even if it is a little bit of joy during your day.

7. I can’t change anyone else, but I can continue to be positive.

No matter how badly you may want to change someone, you can’t change anyone but yourself. Since this is the case, you must only focus on your mindset and well-being. Continue being positive even if toxic people are near you.

8. I have gratitude in my heart, and that is all that matters.

With a grateful heart, you can focus on positivity and happiness no matter what. You will be more resilient to negativity, and you won’t let toxic people affect you. When you ignore a toxic person, keep the things you are grateful for on your mind to distract you.

9. I am keeping an open mind and focusing on positive things.

Toxic people tend to be narrow-minded, so use affirmations to ensure you are the opposite of them. With an open mind and positive thinking, you can surely ignore the toxic people around you.

10. I choose to be joyful and optimistic.

Since you are the only person that can choose the way you feel, you can choose joy and optimism. When in the presence of a toxic person, you want to make every effort to avoid picking up their bad vibes. Repeating this affirmation will make it easier for you to focus on being positively happy.

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11. I will not respond to negative people.

Sometimes, when toxic people realize they aren’t affecting you, they will keep trying. It might even be irritating to them that you aren’t responding to their negative vibes. When this is the case, their behavior and words may become even worse.

They will keep trying to affect your mood until they see that they have succeeded. Instill this daily affirmation in your mind so you can have the strength to ignore the toxic person.

12. I am powerful, and no one can take that away from me.

Acknowledging your power is a great way to help you ignore toxic people. You are more powerful than they are because you can think positively, whereas they are stuck with a negative mindset. As long as you can remember this, you can successfully ignore them.

13. I will not give in to the negativity of toxic people.

It can be tempting to give in and let the negative behavior affect you. You must stay strong, though, and avoid giving in. You don’t want to change your mindset or obstruct your well-being, so use this affirmation anytime you need to.

14. I am happy and positive no matter who is around me.

Ignoring toxic people is all about your thought process. Convince yourself that you can and will be happy and positive in the presence of negative people. Then, you can tune into your positive feelings as you get through the situation.

15. I am using this situation as a learning opportunity for what I do not want to be.

If you have to be around toxic people, you might as well make it a learning opportunity. You don’t want to be like them, and seeing their behavior will affirm that for you.

As you recognize their toxic traits, make a note of how you don’t want to behave. Making a mental note will help you stay positive in difficult situations, and you will avoid exhibiting toxicity yourself.

16. I am not letting toxic people bring me down.

Letting toxic people bring you down does nothing to benefit you. Instead, it hinders your ability to reach your goals, and it can interfere with your sense of well-being, too. Repeat this powerful daily affirmation to help you ignore the toxicity and continue focusing on positivity.

17. I will let go of those who don’t support and care about me.

Anyone in your life who doesn’t support you or want what is best for you is a toxic force. If someone wants to see you fail or stumble, then you don’t need them in your life. Make a promise to yourself that you will eliminate those people if you can.

18. I know my worth and acknowledge that I am valuable.

Recognizing your worth is key to being able to ignore toxic people. When you know that you are more valuable than the way someone tries to teach you, don’t acknowledge them. Until they treat you as you deserve to be, they don’t deserve your time or energy.

19. I can choose the people I want in my life.

You don’t have to surround yourself with anyone you get bad vibes from. If the toxicity is bad enough, you can cut that person out of your life, even if it is a family member. It may not be easy, but you can do it and will likely be better off because of it.

The same goes for a toxic work environment, but you shouldn’t just unexpectedly quit. It may take time before you can line up a new job and leave your current one. Putting in the effort to find a different job will be worth it if your co-workers or bosses are toxic.

20. I recognize when I need to cut people out of my life.

Knowing you can choose the people you want in your life isn’t the same as cutting people out. The knowledge is helpful, but the action is more important. Once you are comfortable with the idea of choosing who you spend your time around, you can move on to this step.

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Final Thoughts on Powerful Daily Affirmations to Help You Ignore Toxic People

Putting yourself first is essential to maintaining a peaceful, positive, and happy lifestyle. Don’t let toxic people interrupt your mindset. Use these powerful daily affirmations to help you stay strong as you ignore the toxicity.

Since it isn’t always possible to eliminate toxic people from your life, you must learn to live with it. This doesn’t mean you have to give in to the toxic behavior, however. Instead, use these powerful daily affirmations to help you ignore toxic people.

The post 20 Powerful Daily Affirmations to Help You Ignore Toxic People appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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