Thursday, April 1, 2021

20 Motivational Affirmations to Help You Crush Your Fitness Goals

Reaching your fitness goals isn’t always easy, and it takes determination and focus. There will be times when you want to give up, but you must keep pushing through. These motivational affirmations can help you achieve your fitness goals in no time, though.

Your body is strong, and it only gets stronger with each exercise you do. It is more important to convince yourself that you are strong enough. Once you have convinced yourself, you will see how capable you are of reaching your goals.

Motivational Affirmations to Help You Crush Your Fitness Goals

Keep moving forward and taking your fitness journey one day at a time. Use these motivational affirmations to remember what you are working for and to inspire you.

1. I notice that my mind and body feel better when I make healthy choices.

Eating nutritious foods, drinking plenty of water, and exercising are all good for you. Not only will they help you reach your fitness goals, but they will help your mental health too. You will look better, thinker clearer, and be happier by making healthy choices.

2. I am excited to exercise.

If you can be excited about exercise, you will reach your fitness goals much quicker. Repeat this affirmation until you begin to believe it, and then get started. You may want to use this affirmation before each workout, so you don’t convince yourself to skip it.

3. I am working hard now so I can reach my goals as soon as possible.

Think of where you want to be on your fitness journey six months or a year from now. If you don’t get started right away, you won’t be able to reach that goal. The time will pass regardless of what you choose to do, making progress as the time passes.

When you look back in the months to come, you will see how far you have come. Don’t find yourself in the same place as right now. Work hard now so that when you look back, you can be proud of your achievement.

4. I fill my body with nutritious foods.

Exercise isn’t the only requirement for a healthy lifestyle. To reach your fitness goals, you must also eat healthy, nutritious foods. Meeting all of your nutritional needs can help you feel better and help you reach your fitness goals.

Remember that exercising every day won’t help if you are still filling your body with unhealthy food. Choose whole foods whenever possible, and avoid processed foods at all costs.

5. I am going to push myself a little more today.

It will be tempting to go easy on yourself as you exercise, but you shouldn’t always do that. Each time you push a little harder, you get a little stronger. Pushing yourself is the way to become better and more resilient as you reach your fitness goals.

The more you push and the stronger you get, the closer you are to reaching your goals. If you want to look your best as soon as possible, use this motivational affirmation to push yourself.

6. I am working to have the body I have always wanted.

Imagine the body you have been dreaming of having, and recall the image anytime you must resist temptation. If you have an unhealthy option, this affirmation can help you turn it down. Likewise, if you don’t want to work out, then imagining your dream body will get you moving.

7. I get closer to my goal every time I exercise.

Even if you only do a light exercise, you are making progress. Each time you exercise, you are one step closer to reaching your fitness goals. Repeat this affirmation each day to help motivate yourself to get your daily exercise done.

8. I am looking better all of the time.

Look for changes in your body as you work toward your fitness goals. Even the smallest improvements should make you excited. Once you noticed these things, remember them often.

If you know that you are looking better, you will want to keep working hard. It can be all the motivation you need to be successful.

9. I will never regret working out, but I will regret skipping this workout.

There likely won’t be a time when you completed a workout and wished you hadn’t done it. However, you will regret not doing it at all. Get it over with so that you can get it done and be proud of yourself for fighting through.

10. I am strong enough to do this, and I get stronger each day.

When you push yourself during a workout, you might feel like you can’t do it. Remember that you are strong enough, though, and keep pushing through. You get stronger each day, which means that you can do more today than you did yesterday.

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11. I know that each moment of my day is a new chance to make a healthy choice.

The thing about making healthy choices is that it is never too late to begin. If you made unhealthy choices earlier in the day or even throughout the week, you can turn it around right now. Each moment you have is a chance to make a healthy choice.

That healthy choice could be to skip an unhealthy snack when you’re bored or choosing fruit instead. Making a healthy choice could also mean getting up and walking around after sitting for a while. Any healthy choice, no matter how small it seems, is a good choice.

12. I have the willpower to push through each exercise.

You can’t give up, especially in the middle of an exercise. No matter how intense it gets, keep pushing through. It is all about staying in the right mindset and telling yourself that you can and will do it.

13. I make the time to exercise and eat healthy foods.

An excuse that people often tell themselves is that they don’t have time to reach their fitness goals. You might say that you don’t have time to exercise or planning healthy meals and snacks is too time-consuming. If reaching your fitness goals is important to you, though, then you must find the time to make it happen.

14. I love myself and respect my body.

Self-love and self-respect are two things that can help you reach your fitness goals. These things may seem unrelated at first but with self-love and self-respect, taking care of your body becomes easier. You will put healthier foods and drinks in your body, and you will exercise more to stay in shape.

You tend to take better care of the things you love, so it only makes sense that it is the same for your body. With love comes respect, and then achieving your fitness goals will follow.

15. I am ready to reach my fitness goals.

Being ready to reach your goals is one of the steps in the fitness process. Once your mind is in the right place, nothing can stop you if you stay focused and determined.

16. I take care of myself in the best way I can.

There is no better way to take care of yourself than by taking care of your body. Your body protects you and enables you to do things, so take care of it as much as you can. Since your body protects you and allows you to be active, exercising and eating healthy is essential.

17. I am becoming a better version of myself.

You are still the same person you have always been and always will be. Even still, you can better yourself all the time. By reaching your fitness goals, you can rest assured that you are becoming a better version of yourself.

18. I have made it this far, and I can keep making progress from here.

If you are in the midst of your fitness journey, reflect on how far you have come. You didn’t work that hard to give up now or to make unhealthy choices. Use the same determination you had, in the beginning, to keep making progress toward your goal.

19. I am proud of the progress I have made so far on my fitness journey.

You have every right to be proud of yourself on your fitness journey. Every milestone, no matter how small, is an achievement. Being proud of yourself will give you the motivation you need to continue.

20. I will not give up until I have achieved my goal.

Use this motivational affirmation every time you have the urge to give up. You owe it to yourself to keep working hard so that you can have the body you envision.

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Final Thoughts on Motivational Affirmations to Help You Crush Your Fitness Goals

Reaching your fitness goals can be difficult, but it is possible with determination. Keep your mind focused on what you want to achieve, and use these motivational affirmations to help you.

Remember that the closer you get to your goal, the better you will feel. It is always worth it to make healthy choices so that you can reach your goals. Remember these motivational affirmations to help you in times of uncertainty or struggles.

The post 20 Motivational Affirmations to Help You Crush Your Fitness Goals appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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