Thursday, April 29, 2021

The Best Home Workouts, According to Body Type

You’ve likely discovered by now that there’s nothing you can do to change your genes. However, you can learn your genetic makeup and practice an exercise routine that works best for you. A tailored home workout program will help you work with your body type instead of against it, so you’ll see the results you want in a reasonable amount of time.

Unfortunately, an astounding number of people aren’t getting enough exercise regularly. The CDC asserts that a shocking 80% of people in the US aren’t meeting the guidelines for training set forth by the federal government. This means that only 20% of American adults are receiving the consistent benefits of working out. Yes, life can get hectic. In fact, you may be tempted to put off your exercise routine until “tomorrow.”

However, when you delay working out, you may never get the chance to go to the gym or wake up early for a morning jog. After all, not exercising often seems much more manageable than pushing yourself to work out when you’re tired or busy.

Most of us have a list of obligations we have to fulfill throughout the day, making it challenging to find time for exercising. One of the factors that will motivate us to work out is looking forward to it. This indicates that most people haven’t found workouts that they enjoy. Your body type can show which exercises work for you. When you’re working out based on the kind of body you have, you’ll be more likely to see results and stick to your exercise routine.

Choosing the proper workout for your body

Ayurveda, the traditional Hindu philosophy of medicine, indicates three physical types, also known as doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Knowing which category you fall into will let you know which workouts are ideal for you and how long you should spend working out every day. Here are some details about each category that will help you customize your exercise regimen.


Vatas often do well playing high-intensity sports that require agility and athletic skill. If you’re a Vata, you likely have a short attention span, which means you enjoy sports and athletic games that require speed, and adrenaline. You’re probably also a fan of competitive sports since you get an adrenaline rush from being competitive and being victorious in the sport of your choice. You need physical activity to process your pent-up energy so you won’t become burnt out. While you enjoy and prefer intense exercises, you naturally have low stamina, so you need a workout that will change you while quickly giving you a change of pace.

Recommended Vata exercises include games like baseball, ballet, bowling, or canoeing. You would probably also enjoy going to a dance class as part of your workout and may find that yoga or weight training is beneficial. If you have to engage in moderate exercise to build up your stamina or because of previous health issues, try swimming, water aerobics, or walking.


If you are a Pitta, you likely have a very independent personality, which means you prefer workouts that you can do by yourself. Like the Vatta types, you also need adrenaline and speed to stay motivated. As a Pitta, you are determined and passionate, which means you’ll do all you can to accomplish your fitness goals. You play to win, so you won’t feel like your workout is complete unless you’ve received acknowledgment or achievement for your hard work.

Pittas are naturally athletic, and since you likely dominate in athletics, you often assume the team leader’s role when you’re not exercising by yourself. However, it can be difficult for you to have fun while playing instead of focusing solely on winning.

It is also essential that you pay attention to your physical state when exercising or playing sports. Take a break when your body tires to avoid extreme exhaustion or injury.

Some of the best exercises for Pitta types include basketball, diving, hockey, ice skating, kayaking, and golf. You may also excel at martial arts or mountain biking since you can complete these workouts solo or with a small group.


Kapha are great at endurance exercises and excel in workouts that allow them to use the minds and bodies simultaneously. If you’re a Kapha, you likely have a calm disposition and can work well under pressure. However, you may find that your gifts and talents may not be evident to you until you’re a little older. You enjoy team sports, but you tend to do best with individual exercises because solo workouts give you the mind-body connection you crave. You may also want to consider private sessions with a personal trainer since you need to work out alone but need the motivation of others to function at your best.

Some of the best Kapha exercises include cross-country running, basketball, aerobics, or bodybuilding. You may also want to try cycling or skiing during the cooler months of the year; in-line skating, rocking climbing, and short-distance running are ideal exercises for the warmer part of the year.

pilates exercises
Customizing your workout

You’ll also have to determine your visual body type to create the most effective workout program for you. These descriptions could be helpful.


If this describes your body type, you carry excess weight in your body’s bottom half, particularly in the hip and thigh area. Celebrities such as Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez have this type of body and are often photographed showing off their curvy physiques, so you’re in good company. Cardio exercises that work the legs and buttocks are best for you. You could benefit from running on the treadmill or elliptical machine or incorporating running or jogging into your fitness routine.


If you’re an apple, you likely have around the midsection and a full waist compared to your shoulders and hips. Think Drew Barrymore or Oprah. You’ll need to engage in high-intensity cardio that gets melts fat away from a rounder stomach and weight training that will strengthen your core.

Boyish or Athletic

If you’re not curvy at all, your body type is likely athletic or boyish, and you’re naturally slender. Celebrities such as Cameron Diaz and Gwyneth Paltrow have this body type. Weight training that adds definition and tone to your slender frame is best for you since working your core and strengthening your legs and arms can give you the illusion of a voluptuous physique.


If you have curves on the bottom and top of your body and have a small waist compared to your hips and thighs like Sofia Vergara or Scarlett Johansson, you have an hourglass body type. A weight training program that tones you all over is best for your body, which means you can try everything from bench pressing to curls to add definition to your frame.

Getting Rid of Fat

No matter what your body type, one of the main areas people tend to focus on is the abdominal area. Exercising your stomach muscles should be a regular part of your workout regimen. It is essential to work your trunk since this is the center of your body and connects your head, arms, and legs. The muscles that comprise your abdomen, chest, and back should be as strong as possible to strengthen your respiratory system and enhance your mobility.

Fat distribution according to gender

An article by the Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care asserts that men and women naturally deposit fat different. Women often carry more fat around the hips while men carry most of their fat in their stomach area. Choose workouts with this in mind so you’ll work the right muscles to achieve the body shape you desire.

Rectus Abdominis

One of the most well-known muscles in the abdomen is the rectus abdominis, often referred to as a six-pack—this muscle interwines with the protective coating that shields your waist. The upper part of the rectus abdominis connects to your chest and ends in the pelvic area. The lower region of the muscle are more pronounced and form six squares of muscles at the base of your stomach. This is why exercises like sit-ups cut the fat in your stomach and make your six-pack more defined.

Understanding BMI

Your BMI, or body mass index, is calculate according to your weight divided by the square root of your height, according to the CDC. Your BMI lets you know how much fat your body is carrying.

The CDC asserts that you are considered overweight if your BMI is between 25 and 29.9. A BMI of 30 or more is deemed to be obese. Keep in mind that your BMI and weight include the index for your entire body, but some or most of your weight could be concentrated in your midsection.

Excess fat anywhere on the body can be a health hazard, but too much fat in the could can raise your risk of inflammation, blood sugar issues, and heart disease. This means you’ll need to work to make sure your stomach muscles are as lean as possible, particularly if you have a family history of heart disease or diabetes.

body type
Final Thoughts on How Body Type and Tailoring a More Effective Workout

When you know how fat is distributed in your body, understanding your exercise personality type, and know how your body is shaped, you can create a workout regimen that will enrich your mind and body while helping you maintain good health.

The post The Best Home Workouts, According to Body Type appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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