Saturday, May 15, 2021

10 Signs Someone Needs a Parasite Cleanse

We share this world with countless creatures, many of them microscopic. Did you also know that some of these tiny bugs and worms also share your body? How do you know if you have a bodily invasion of parasites? Could you even need a parasite to cleanse?

It’s a sobering realization that your body is not entirely your own. According to an article published by Clinical Microbiology Reviews, you are a virtual menagerie of microscopic flora and fauna. The report reveals that average humans may host as many as 300 parasitic worm species and 70 species of protozoa.

Over thousands of years of human evolution, some were from primordial ancestors and others from animals. Not all microbes are parasitic, meaning they rob blood and nutrition from your system. Some of these tiny organisms are harmless.

Your body depends on specific microscopic flora for the well-being of your digestive system as well as other benefits. However, internal parasites can cause disease and other conditions if left untreated.

Ten Signs You May Have Internal Parasites

Nobody likes to think that they have tiny creatures wreaking havoc in their body. The parasitic pests may be tiny, but they often have notice calling cards when they’ve taken up residence in your gut. Here are ten signs that you may have internal parasites that would warrant a good parasite cleanse:

1. Anemia

While vampires may be the fiends of horror fiction, nature’s tiny bloodsuckers are a reality. Some parasitic species bite into the lining of your digestive system to sip life-sustaining blood. After a time, you may develop anemia from iron deficiency.

2. Changes in Appetite

You may hear expectant mothers say they are eating for two. What if you have internal parasites and are eating for thousands? An article published by the Mayo Clinic says that just two tapeworms in your intestines can be problematic.

These disgusting pests attach to the lining of your intestines and steal some of the nutrients meant for you. Since you must share, you may not feel full after a meal and may experience unusual hunger. You may also develop painful bloating and gas due to tapeworms and other parasites.

3. Unexplained Digestive Problems

Did you know that a parasitic invasion can mimic other digestive issues? Some people who experience gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation may be misdiagnosed with IBS or other conditions. Many are surprised when further testing reveals that they have intestinal parasites that may be purged with a parasite cleanse.

4. Grinding Your Teeth

Have you ever noticed or has your sleeping partner told you that you grind your teeth at night? This condition, called bruxism, is usually caused by disturbances in your sleep and general anxiety. Both of these can be symptoms of intestinal parasites and the toxins they excrete that interact with your neurotransmitters.

5. Unusual Exhaustion

Juggling the chores of caring for your family, career, and other social responsibilities is enough to keep you exhausted. However, you can judge if your fatigue is worse than usual. If you are malnourished and anemic because of intestinal parasites, fatigue, lethargy, and depression are common.

6. History of Food Poisoning

If you’ve ever experienced an episode of food poisoning, you know the digestive nightmare it creates. Sometimes, a past attack may leave you more vulnerable to parasites in your digestive tract. If your digestive system feels as it’s been chronically changed, a parasite cleanse may help.

7. Pain in Muscles and Joints

When you’re battling an invasion of intestinal parasites, realize that these pests travel at will. When they get bored of hanging around in your guts, they can also migrate to the nearest muscles and joints. The toxins they excrete can result in painful joints and muscles.

parasitic infection
Know the fifteen signs of a parasitic infection.

8. Disrupted Sleep

If you don’t get enough sleep, your entire body pays the price. You feel grumpy, lazy, and in a chronic brain fog. Sometimes, the problem is an undiagnosed condition of internal parasites. They disrupt sleep with digestive issues, itching, and unexplained body aches and pains.

9. Digestive Issues While Traveling

You’ve heard the perennial warning while traveling, don’t drink the water. It’s not unusual to travel out of the country and contract intestinal parasites from the water, food, and soil. It’s essential to consider a parasite cleanse after being out of the country for any length of time.

10. Skin Conditions

Both internal and external parasites can cause a multitude of skin conditions. Some people experience unexplained hives, rashes, dermatitis, eczema, or extreme itching. These pests can invade pillows, sheets, and mattresses to hop on somebody else.

Five Healthy Foods to Support Your Parasite Cleanse

Mother Nature offers several ways that you can get rid of intestinal parasites. Many herbs and whole foods have natural compounds that destroy parasites and discourage any from invading your system. Here are some healthy and delicious suggestions.

Probiotic Foods: Fermented foods have been in the spotlight recently for good reasons. Some of your favorites, like probiotic yogurt, pickled veggies, kefir, and sauerkraut, are loaded with flavor and anti-parasitic power. They battle the microscopic invaders while encouraging good gut health.Sulfuric Veggies: For an effective but still palatable parasite cleanse, add some more sulfuric vegetables to your diet. Think fresh varieties of onions, garlic, cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli. The sulfur compounds spell death to the parasites while you get a nutritious boost of antioxidants.Herbs: Collect a healing parasite cleanse from your herb garden. Many herbs have been used for centuries for their anti-parasitic and antimicrobial properties. Try peppermint, ginger, or oregano fresh, or use the essential oils.Apple Cider Vinegar: Not only does apple cider vinegar provide beneficial probiotics and help restore a healthy pH balance, but it can boost your digestive system. The mild acid can kill the invading parasites and promote healing where they’ve been.Papaya and Pineapple: These temptingly sweet fruits have enzymes and other natural compounds that can rid your system of parasites. These compounds also act as a gentle anti-inflammatory for your sore gut.

Five Foods to Avoid During a Cleanse

Are you considering a natural parasite cleanse? Some foods are best avoided for a while for optimal results. Try to avoid these or eat as little as possible temporarily:

Processed foods: Overly processed foods are not only loaded with empty calories, sugar, fat, and sodium, but they put a strain on your digestive system. You don’t need the extra burden if you’re trying to kill intestinal parasites.Extra sugar: It’s not surprising that most harmful parasites have a sweet tooth. If you have a diet high in sugar, you are providing a paradise for these pests. Yank away the welcome mat and eliminate as much added sugar as possible. Some health experts also recommend eliminating or reducing your consumption of fruits high on the glycemic index.Pork: Hogs can often have unsavory food choices, so pork is notorious for its risk of parasites. During your cleansing time, minimize your risks and avoid pork products. If you can, you may consider trying to reduce all red meat until your system is parasite-free.Alcohol: If your digestive system is already compromised because of intestinal parasites, you don’t need to add to the inflammation. Compounds in liquor can irritate the lining of your stomach and digestion tract. For now, try to eliminate your alcohol consumption.Gluten: You needn’t be sensitive to gluten to avoid it during a cleanse for parasites. The gluten found naturally in wheat and some other grains quickly dissolve sugar in your digestive tract, which can lead to inflammation. For your cleanse to work best, you need as little inflammation in your gut as possible.

Consider a Colon Cleanse

It stands to reason that flushing your colon with water can clear toxins and parasites from your system. These cleanses conducted by certified specialists, and it involves cleansing the whole colon. Talk to your healthcare provider about a specialist in your area and how a colon cleanse may benefit you.

re Enemas Just as Effective as Colon Cleanses?

For thousands of years, people relied on enemas to promote gut health and relieve constipation symptoms. However, an article published by Children’s MD states that many people recommend enemas to expel pinworms, a common intestinal parasite. Since the evidence is subjective and enemas don’t flush the entire colon, more research is needed to prove their anti-parasite effectiveness, says the article.

If you are considering an enema, do some research before you try. Although many people tout the benefits of enemas and additions such as herbal extracts or coffee, they may not be suitable for you. Also, learn how to properly self-administer an enema and notice any adverse reactions like dehydration.

parasite cleanse
Final Thoughts on a Parasite Cleanse

Although the subject makes most people feel squeamish, intestinal parasites are common and can be detrimental to your health if left untreated. Talk to your healthcare provider about these and other ways of diagnosing and getting rid of parasites in your digestive system.

The post 10 Signs Someone Needs a Parasite Cleanse appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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