Saturday, May 22, 2021

15 Powerful Affirmations to Help You Beat Depression

Using powerful affirmations each day can help you beat depression and improve your overall well-being.

When you are depressed, your confidence and self-esteem are low. The key to overcoming depression is to give those things a boost and change your mindset for the better.

You must let go of negative self-thoughts and begin to embrace and love the person that you are. Put positive thoughts in your head so you will remember your worth and value to the world. The more you tell yourself things, the more your brain believes it, so make sure you’re always using positivity.

If you use positivity and only say good things to yourself, then you will beat your depression quickly. These powerful affirmations will help you get there, and they will teach you good habits, too. Saying these phrases only takes a couple of minutes each day, so there is no excuse not to give them a shot.

Powerful Affirmations to Help You Beat Depression

Once you’ve made these powerful affirmations a daily habit, positivity will become more natural for you. Keep an open mind as you repeat the phrases and allow the words to resonate within you. Then, your depression won’t overtake your mind and body anymore, and you can beat it once and for all.

1. I can overcome my depression by creating a safe space for myself.

When you feel safe, your depression will ease. You deserve a place where you feel safe, and you can create that type of space everywhere you go. If essential oils work for you, carry a mini-diffuser with you to help you feel safe.

You can also consider bringing your headphones to listen to music you enjoy. Another good option is to carry an item that brings comfort with you when you go to new places. Before you head out, though, remember to use this powerful affirmation to help you feel safe.

2. I am worthy, valuable, and more than enough.

Knowing your worth will help you beat your depression by allowing you to see that you are enough. You are valuable, and you should remind yourself of that often. If you use this powerful affirmation each day, you will go through the day with less depression.

3. I deserve happiness, and I can achieve it.

When you know what you deserve in life, you won’t accept anything less. You deserve to be happy, and you can make it happen by convincing yourself of it. It is as simple as changing your mindset and focusing on what will make you happy.

4. I choose to be grateful for everything and everyone I have in my life.

With gratitude, it will be easier to beat depression. Focus on the things that bring you joy and the people who love spending time with you. If you pay attention to those things, you will feel better and find happiness once again.

5. I recognize that the way I react to a situation is entirely up to me.

The way you respond to something influences the way you feel afterward. If you have a negative reaction, then you will likely notice depression creeping in. Use this powerful affirmation to remind yourself that you can decide how you will react.

If you choose to react positively, you can more effectively beat depression. The choice is yours to make, and it can make all the difference.

6. I become more resilient every day that I push through.

Each day you get out of bed and give the day a chance, you become more resilient. With resilience, you can beat depression and overcome any other negative feelings.

Push yourself to do a little more every day than you did the day before. Then, you can see how quickly this mindset works. Use the powerful affirmation to remind you on the days you don’t feel like doing anything.

7. I forgive myself for past mistakes and choices that didn’t work out.

Everyone makes mistakes in life, so give yourself some grace when it happens to you. Things don’t always work out the way you intended for them to, and that is fine. All of those things will become learning opportunities if you allow them to.

Learn from your mistakes, and forgive yourself for making them. Only with forgiveness will you beat depression and overcome.

positive affirmations
8. I don’t compare myself to anyone else because I was meant to be different.

Comparing yourself to others will always make you feel bad because you are different than everyone else. Different doesn’t mean bad, though, so try to avoid comparison.

Being different is what makes you the person that you are. Embrace it and learn to love yourself as you are right now. Accept that yourself and learn to love all of the things you used to compare.

9. I won’t let my imperfections depress me because I know they are what makes me different.

Not only should you stop comparing yourself to others, but you must consciously decide to stop being negative about yourself. Don’t get upset about your imperfections because if you didn’t have them, there would be nothing that sets you apart. Embrace what makes you different, and you won’t notice the feelings of depression quite as much anymore.

10. I become better every day as long as I get up and give my all.

Even when you don’t feel like it, get out there and try your best. Depression will make you feel like you can’t do things, but resist the urge to give in to that idea. Putting your time and energy into something productive will help take your mind off your depression, helping you beat it quicker.

11. I know that each day is a new start and a new chance for happiness.

If yesterday was a bad day, use this affirmation as a reminder that today can be better. With the mindset that each day is a fresh start, the depression won’t stick around. You will be too busy looking for good things going on around you that you forget to be upset.

12. I am taking care of myself and the things that I need.

Self-care is one of the best ways to beat depression. If you take care of yourself and pay attention to what you need, your overall well-being will improve. Don’t put yourself on the backburner to please others, and use this affirmation to create a good habit of self-care.

13. I am loved, and I willingly let my loved ones into my life.

Depression can make you feel like you aren’t loved, and it can make you push people away. If you can convince yourself that you are loved, though, you will notice an improvement in your mental health. Letting your loved ones into your life will help, too, as you will have support and guidance to help you through.

Knowing that you are loved is a sure way to make you feel better. If you start having thoughts that no one cares about you, come back to this powerful affirmation again. It will help you change your thought process, making your mindset more positive.

14. I focus on creating a future that I love.

Focusing on your future will help you beat depression because you will remain hopeful and busy. If you envision a bright future, then you can be excited about what is coming next in life.

Don’t focus your thoughts on the past or on things that upset you. Instead, remember this positive affirmation to keep your thoughts on the right track.

15. I make the choices for my future, even if others give their opinion.

You will always have people giving you their opinion on your life, even if you don’t ask for it. Others will always think that they know what is best for you, but that isn’t true. You are the only one who knows what you need and want in life.

Make your decisions based on your desires and needs, and don’t let unwanted input depress you. When you are living your life for yourself, then you will surely beat depression.

powerful affirmations
Final Thoughts on Powerful Affirmations to Help You Beat Depression

As you read through these powerful affirmations, you likely noticed that some resonated with you more than others. Using those will give you the best results when it comes to beating depression. If it is better for you, change the affirmation to make it more personal in your life.

Memorize the ones that seem to help you the most, and use them as often as you need to. You must use them at least once each day, though, to make it a habit and help the positivity flow naturally. Before you know it, you will be saying the words out loud without even thinking about it first.

As you repeat the powerful affirmations, visualize what you are saying. When you imagine it, you will believe your words more, and it will have more of a positive effect. Using these powerful affirmations is sure to help you beat your depression.

The post 15 Powerful Affirmations to Help You Beat Depression appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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