Tuesday, May 11, 2021

15 Ways to Cope with the Emotional Loss of Being Fired from a Job

Being fired from a job can be devastating. You are likely to feel many negative emotions such as anger, sadness, and stress as you cope with the emotional loss.

If you are struggling to cope with the loss of your job, you won’t be able to move forward. You can’t give up, though, because there are many other opportunities out there. Think of it as a chance to start fresh learn something new.

How to Cope with the Emotional Loss of Being Fired

Many people identify who they are by what they do for a living. If you are one of those people, then being fired can cause you to feel like you have no purpose in life. This isn’t the case, though, and there are ways to cope with the emotional loss.

1. Let it Out

You inevitably feel bad after losing your job. You can’t ignore the sadness, anger, betrayal, fear, or sense of loss that comes. Feel free to cry or vent to your friends and family, but avoid complaining to your co-workers from that job.

Don’t let the negative feelings overtake your life, though. Once you have gotten it out, begin moving on. The first step to coping is to let the feelings out, so make sure you allow yourself a few days to do so.

2. Look at Your Finances

While the thought of looking over your finances after losing your job is daunting, it must be done. First, you must figure out how long you can stay afloat on the money that you have. This will help you determine how long you have to find another job.

You can look into unemployment benefits or other benefits that may be available to you. Doing so may help you get by until you find another job, and you won’t feel the need to settle.

3. Start Looking for a New Job or Career

Before you start sending in applications, think about what you want to do. You don’t have to stay in the same career you worked in before. This could be your chance to try something new.

Whether you stay in your current career field or decide on something else, you must begin as soon as possible. With a little more free time, you can start fine-tuning your resume and updating your cover letter and LinkedIn profile. Plus, you have more time to send in job applications.

You could also think about taking some online courses to learn a new skill. Online courses could also help you advance your current skillset. Whatever you do, keep focusing on the future and working toward something new.

4. Remember That it Happens to Many People

While this thought alone won’t make your problem disappear, it could help you feel better. Lots of people lose their jobs and for many different reasons.

Losing your job doesn’t mean you will never be successful. Instead, it means that you weren’t in the place you are meant to be. The right opportunity will come when the time is right, so try to be patient.

5. Turn to Your Support System

It might be hard to tell your friends and family that you got fired, but it will help you cope. You need someone to turn to for support if you want to get over the emotional loss. Plus, they can offer words of encouragement or tips on what to do next.

If you don’t have a support system, consider talking to a professional. You don’t want to keep negative feelings bottled up, or it could get worse, so reach out to a therapist or counselor.

6. Write About Your Feelings

Writing seems to make most things better in life. Losing your job is a big source of stress, and writing about it can be a positive stress reliever for you. Plus, it will help you get your emotions out without taking it out on those around you.

7. Don’t Freak Out

You have every right to be upset when you lose your job, but you can’t freak out if you want to cope. Even if you are angry, refrain from yelling at anyone, saying hurtful or mean things, or getting physical. You might feel like they deserve it, but if you let your emotions get out of control, things will get worse.

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8. Don’t Cut Ties

You won’t have to talk to your former employer again, but you shouldn’t cut ties with former co-workers. If you enjoyed their company or the conversations you had, continue the relationship. By keeping a relationship, you will be less bitter about the job loss.

Another benefit to staying in touch is that they might have information that can help you. Since you work in the same field, they may have connections or know who is hiring. It is also helpful to maintain positive professional relationships, even when you no longer work together every day.

9. Embrace the Learning Opportunity

Every situation in life is a learning opportunity, even when you are upset. Learn from the mistakes you made, and evaluate your fault in what has happened. This way, you can learn from losing your job, and it will help you become successful in the future.

Learning from the situation will help you cope with the emotional loss of being fired. Plus, you will become more aware of your actions and behaviors.

10. Avoid Guilt-Tripping Yourself

Even if you made a mistake, giving yourself a guilt-trip will not help. Instead, remember that everyone makes mistakes, and many people lose their jobs. Feeling guilty will not help you fix anything, and it will not help you cope.

If you are guilt-tripping yourself, think back to your achievements in the past. Consider what you accomplished, learned, or developed. Doing this will help you feel confident again, and the personal guilt-trip will cease.

On the other hand, if you know you did nothing to deserve the job loss, remember how great you are. When you have done nothing wrong, then you have nothing to be guilty about, anyway.

11. Get Answers

It can be hard to cope if you don’t answer the questions running through your mind. Ask any question that comes to mind, but make sure to find out why you’re losing your job. If your employer gives a vague answer, ask for a better one.

Getting answers won’t only help you figure out why you are being fired. It will also give ideas and motivation for improvement. Real feedback can make all the difference in your future endeavors.

While seeking answers, remember to be respectful and calm. Being rude won’t get you the information you need, and it could cause you to burn bridges.

12. Practice Self-Care

Self-care is important all of the time, but it is even more essential when you’re upset. Suffering an emotional loss like losing your job is life-changing and can be devastating. Give yourself time to come to terms with it and accept that you must move forward.

As you work on coping with the situation, practice self-care whenever you can. Self-care will trigger happiness, reduce stress, and help you experience a sense of well-being.

Part of self-care is also developing a routine. Giving yourself a daily routine will give your day direction and help you get things accomplished. A schedule will help as you look for a new job and help you get over the loss.

Make sure you include hobbies and relaxation in your daily routine. It will help you feel better while taking your mind off of your emotional loss.

13. Avoid Social Media

When you are feeling down, social media will only make it worse. Most people compare themselves to others they see on social media, which will cause you to feel bad about yourself. You are likely already feeling bad enough, so don’t put yourself through more.

Avoid ranting about your job loss on social media, too. Talking negatively about it can make you look back to potential employers.

14. Make Connections

Making connections will help you find your dream job. Talk to people you know and meet new people as often as possible. With connections, the perfect job might fall into your lap.

Even if a new job doesn’t come so easily, it will still help you find options. When people get to know you, they can recommend you to new employers or give you new ideas.

15. Accept It

Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to change the situation. Your boss made their decision, and you have lost your job. Once you accept what has happened, you can begin to move forward.

While losing your job is still painful, coping requires acceptance. Once you have let your feelings out, you must let them go. Bringing up your negative feelings will only prolong this step, which will hinder your ability to cope and overcome.


Final Thoughts on Ways to Cope the Emotional Loss of Being Fired from a Job

If you have been fired from your job, you know how devastating it can be. It might come as a shock, making it even harder to accept. You can get through it, though, and you can cope with the emotional loss.

Don’t let this setback cause you to give up on life. You are strong, and you will push through. Remember these ways to cope with the emotional loss of being fired from a job.

The post 15 Ways to Cope with the Emotional Loss of Being Fired from a Job appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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